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"Your highness please eat something" the young crown princesse's handmaidens implored her,but she remained inconsolable.

Silent tears roll down her pale cheeks, she had  lost her  love and her best friend in one fell swoop.

It all began the day the Queen walked into her chambers.


Princess Hye jin had hastily stood up bowing respectfully and asking what she had done to merit such honor.

The Queen had smiled and said that she knew how much Hye jin loved Munnu and that if she  helped her depose Munnu and make Il Mun King in his stead,she would let Hye jin  be Il Mun's Queen and she wouldn't kill Munnu

But if she refused, not only would Munnu die but all her servants and men whom she cared for and treated like family would be slaughtered as well,Hye jin wouldn't be killed but would be deposed as crown princess.

The Princess  blood immediately ran cold and she sank to her knees, face pale at the threat and  told the Queen that she could never betray the King which of course enraged the Queen, who ordered one of her men to slaughter one of the Princess's maidservants, So Yeon, in front of her.

Princess Hye jin was horrified. But the queen had calmly told her that if valued their lives and Munnu's,Hye jin would do what she asked her to do, and if she  did, them she would spare their lives and Munnu.

But if Hye jin continued to be stubborn she would slay them all herself included and Hye jin knew she would do just that. She  looked at So Yeon's body and the rest of her handmaidens quivering in fear and horror.

She had promised to protect them and they had served her loyally and faithfully, she couldn't let them die. She also thought about Munnu,if he was merely deposed not killed they could run away to a far place and live in peace.

It would be better than him dying at the hands of this evil hag so Hye jin asked the queen what she wanted her to. She  smiled evilly told Hye jin that she   had made the right decision.

And that she should send Munnu a message, asking him to meet at a secluded spot in the palace he would then be kidnapped and forced to step down from being King.

The young princess told the queen that  would do as she asked,but also tried to get another message to Il Mun so he could protect Munnu but it was intercepted and the maid that the princees had sent the message with, was killed as a warning.

She was also forced to go and see Munnu and Il Munnu, to convince him to step down from being King.
She would never forget the hurt and disbelief on their faces when they heard what she said.

Princess Hye jin felt like dying. Her sorrow was great. But she later found out what had happened from eavesdropping on the queen and her father. The irate queen was berating Hye jin's father for failing,and hiring assassins that obviously couldn't get the job done.

Obviously they had managed to escape and only then could the princess put her mind at rest knowing that Munnu was safe and that the plot had failed but she was also deeply sad knowing that Munnu would think that she had betrayed him not knowing that she had been trying to save his life.

(At King Munnu's Chambers)

The young king sat, lost in gloomy thoughts.

I feel so hurt and betrayed,I never would have believed Hye Jin would betray me like this,she had always supported me and stood by me obviously it was all a lie.

The very small list of people i could trust had now lessened to only Il Mun. And what if he too betrayed him someday? After all his biggest enemy was the Il Mun's mother, the queen.

He suddenly called for the second prince. "you called me? What's the matter?" Il Mun asked as he entered the young King's chambers.

Munnu gazed at Il Mun warily as one would stare at a dangerous snake that could strike at anytime. Il Mun was confused at  Munnu's countenance and asked again,

"Is something wrong? Tell me " the young king then asked, "answer me this, if I asked you to kill my biggest enemy, the queen, would you do it? "

Il Mun smiled then on hearing the young kings words. He understood immediately that after the betrayal of his crown princess Hye jin, the king was anxious about trusting him

" No, I wouldn't " he answered in a nonchalant manner, the smile on his face. Meanwhile the king had paled, rising from his sitting position with clenched fists.

" And why not? " he demanded. Il Mun stood up and said " I would ask you to let someone else to do it" the calmed down somewhat on hearing this and Il Mun continued,

"As you know, the queen is still my mother, and even though I know that she should be stopped, I cannot kill my own mother"

Munnu felt guilt rush up inside him and sat back down "Il Mun....I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me...."

"It's ok I understand " Il Munnu replied.

Guys, sorry this part is so short the next one will be much more amazing I promise.also I will be casting the characters starting from the next part, with my favorite actors and actresses that I like to fantasize would be absolutely perfect for the role and also to put a face to these budding characters.and also please note that I'm relatively new to this so if I make any mistakes please bear with me and let me know in the comments section.

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