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I am pacing worriedly while Munnu and Il Mun looks on "I thought you wanted me by your side,I thought you wanted me to help"

I say clenching my fists at my sides "Yes,that is what I want you to do" Munnu said calmly but i cut him off "well how am I supposed to do that if I'm dead?"

I say struggling to keep the emotions,fear,anger at bay "I have faith in you Jade" Munnu said getting up and gently holding my arms "I know you can win this contest,I've seen you in action"

I was still feeling nervous though,I didn't want to die here,then Il Mun got up and said "i can train with you so you won't feel unprepared for the contest"

I nod grateful for the help and the next morning we start intensely training. And i was surprised at how good he was, even though Munnu had said that he was known as the best swordsman in the kingdom.

I was profoundly grateful to have him train me and i knew i would probably never defeat him in battle,but he said I didn't need much training for i was a formidable opponent, but i was still unsure so we trained everyday and sometimes Munnu joined and he wasn't all that bad himself.

The day of the contest arrived and several fierce and legendary warriors around the kingdom had been assembled to participate in the event.

Almost half the Kingdom had turned up at the arena, eager to see the divine warrior that was to be the Kings new bodyguard.

All the nobles and Gentry were present with their families,the officials and chiefs and their families too and even Queen Min Hwa,Il Mun's Mother and the Crown princess Hye Jin.

It was very grand as there had not been such an event in the kingdom since Munnu began ruling. Dancers and performers first entertained the crowd then the fight began,two contestants would fight each other and the finalist would battle Jade.

Finally the time came for the winner,a giant of a man to fight Jade and as she came in there was a hush in the crowd as everyone turned to look at her.

So this is what it feels like to be a celebrity she thought nervously as she stepped up onto the fight stage, she had dressed in her black leather zip up jumpsuit and black boots

She pulled out her two swords and tried to recollect all the tips Il Mun had taught her, then she charged the man using speed and agility to place her opponent at a disadvantage

And after what felt like hours but was only fifteen minutes she defeated him and just as she was about to be announced winner the Queen commanded her to fight Il Mun.

Munnu was furious but he couldn't say anything as it would mean Jade wasn't good enough and would be executed he gritted his teeth glaring at the Queen as Il Mun stepped forward to fight Jade.

Il Mun spoke in a low voice to a terrified Jade,she had reason to be she had seen him in action,had heard his legends that Munnu told,and hadn't he defeated one in one minute flat the first time they had fought at training? She was going to die for sure

"Jade calm down,I would never hurt you,just remember all that you know and pretend this is training ok?" and she gave a tiny nod in reply gripping her swords thighter as Il Mun pulled his out circling her.

After twenty minutes they still fought with Jade already tired trying her best to block his blows, the fight wore on and then Munnu got up and commanded "Enough!!!"

"It is a tie,Jade will remain my Bodyguard" Il Mun and Jade both bowed,and the officials exchanged dismayed,angry looks with one another, their plans to get rid of the girl hadn't worked,

but they didn't stop there of course and immediately the contest was over they met to strategize once more how to use the Blade against the King,it was a fool proof plan and the prime minister and the Queen both chuckled evilly and drank to their success.

Jade's POV

I walked from my chambers to the part of the palace where Il Mun and Munnu had asked me to meet them,I smiled cheerfully as i walked past some guards who bowed.

I now wore the uniform of the Kings personal bodyguard and these days life had settled down to an uneventful pace except for all the snooping and spying that we did on the officials,

Looking for ways to get back supporters for Munnu and also the occasional shooting lessons that I gave Munnu and Il Mun,I grinned remembering the way Munnu had fallen over the first time he handled a gun,

Il Mun had remained standing but the look on his face had been priceless and of course they had chased me for making fun of them.

I look around sighing contentedly the palace had begun to feel like home to me and Il Mun and the King like family,I continued forward and saw them already waiting for me "so what's the plan for today?"

I asked cheerfully plopping down on the chair "we have a lead,we going to investigate right now " Il Mun said but as we were speaking a messenger came and announced an urgent message from The Queen

He frowned and said "you guys go ahead i will catch up later" Munnu and i nod and ride out of the palace and through the woods towards the building Il Mun had spoken of.

Il Mun's POV

I walk in,and bow before my mother "what is the matter that you called me for??" I asked impatient to get it over with so i could go back to Munnu and Jade,

"Have some tea first my dear" I quickly drank it,to refuse would be disrespectful,then she began to speak but i soon saw the foolishness of my decision as the room began to swim before me and darkness swallowed my vision.

King Munnu's POV

The minute we got to the place I started to feel uneasy,Jade who had already dismounted was walking towards the building with her gun pointed forward in an alert manner when I called out

"Jade,wait i don't have a good feeling about this" "you think it might be a trap??" she said her eyes widening "I don't know, maybe" "don't worry I'll protect you,you stay here I'll go in alone"

She said but i only rolled my eyes and said "I'm not letting you go in alone, I'm worried about you too,it seems too easy somehow" "don't worry we'll be careful come on" she said. I  reluctantly dismounted and walked to the building slowly.

Descendants of Destiny (EDITING IN PROGRESS) Where stories live. Discover now