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I pace worriedly in front of the King and my husband to be, although they had explained all the advantages of being Il Mun's wife,I couldn't help but feel panicked about the whole affair.

Even though i had agreed to stay and serve Munnu marriage was another thing altogether. It was too serious a step for me besides i had always dreamed of a love match like the one my parents had,it's not that i didn't like Il Mun he was a good guy,he was loyal,an honourable warrior but i just didn't see me and him together

"Come on Jade what's the matter with you,do you know how many women would die for what you're being offered,I mean see how good-looking he is" I glared at the young King then Il Mun got up and stood in front of me staring at me directly

"I understand how you must be feeling Jade but don't worry i will be with you every step of the way so you don't have to be nervous ,we are just doing this for your protection"

The way he was staring directly made me flustered and  his voice rumbled through me like bass drums making me shiver,gosh why was i feeling like this? I sighed it seemed I had no other choice or was there ?

"Your Majesty is there by any chance any other option?" Munnu smirked "well you could be the Royal concubine" "Concubine?? Eeew no thanks I'd rather marry Il Mun and be a  princess"

"a Warrior princess" Il Mun added with a smile and i smiled back "ok let's do this". Word quickly spread throughout the kingdom about the new princess to be,the divine warrior Blade, and of course it was met with skepticism others thought that if we had a Dragon's spirit King why not an heavenly warrior princess?

And of course the Queen Forbade the marriage but at the next court meeting King Munnu played the ace up his sleeves. He had swept in late as usual but this time was different "Prince Il Mun" "yes your Majesty" Il Mun said stepping forward "I command you to marry Lady Blade or be executed"

There was a hush and then officials who were on the Queen's side began protesting "your Majesty I don't think that is a good idea" "your Majesty I don't think The Lady Blade is a suitable match for the Prince" "your Majesty please reconsider!!"

While all this was going on Il Mun seemed less concerned, standing quietly to give the impression that he was hesitant as well. King Munnu ignored them all and when the officials refused to quiet down he stood up and roared

"SHUT UP!!! I have decided that it is an advantageous match he will marry her or be executed as a traitor" that said he stalked out of the throne room.

I was extremely nervous about the whole ceremony and it took me weeks to get ready,I was poked, pinched,soaked,and painted luckily i had my little make up kit with me because the maids assigned to dress me up were clueless as to how to make up a brown skinned girl.

I rehearsed and rehearsed the ceremony with Il Mun and i was pretty sure i was going to message up on that day,I was once so frustrated that i asked Munnu and Il Mun if we could just elope.

They were confused at first then when i clarified and explained what it meant they were horrified,and of course i got a good laugh at their incredulous expressions but then i got all weepy eyed when i remembered the fact that my parents,

eomma and abba would never be able to attend my wedding,and the two of them awkwardly hugged and patted my back clueless as to how to comfort me.

The day of the wedding arrived i Couldn't have been more nervous and after i was dressed i walked slowly trying to glide the way the cheif handmaid had instructed me to,and when i stepped out i felt like the entire kingdom had turned up it was so grand.

Fortunately it all went well without a hitch and hours later we were husband and wife and i was now officially princess Blade, which came down to the part of that day we hadn't discussed or rehearsed,our wedding night.

I was taken into a beautifully decorated chamber and while I was still worriedly contemplating what would happen Il Mun came in as well.

He looked extremely handsome and stoic as usual,but the fact that he was now my husband made this very attributes of his intimidating,I couldn't tell what he was thinking and that made me a nervous wreck.

He sat down in front of me and smiled probably to ease my tension which must have practically been radiating like an aura around me,I couldn't even smile back .

He took my hands and said "you look beautiful Jade" I gulped and tried to reply " you" he grinned and tried to catch my eye which i had fastened somewhere around his chest

"Jade you don't have to be so nervous,we don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with yet" my eyes snapped up to meet his "really???" "Yes"

I was furious and embarrassed at how blatantly nervous i had been about our wedding night and he had played my nervousness for fun "well why didn't you just say so?" I said flying at him and raining blows on his chest

But he laughed and caught my wrists as we tumbled to the floor "you looked so cute when nervous I just couldn't resist" he said with an unrepentant grin, while I fumed silently

"But we do have to spend the night here together,we wouldn't want to give people reason to talk" I nodded he was right "alright i can manage that" i got up and started to pull off the outer robes and chemise leaving only my shorts and tank top i sighed from the relief and climbed into bed with Il Mun watching me with an unreadable expression.

Il Mun's POV

Jade had looked so beautiful today that I felt my breath catch for a moment and I had felt so happy that she was going to be all mine for reasons I didn't want to analyze at the moment.

She had looked so nervous when i came in that i couldn't help teasing her,plus i also wanted to lighten the mood a little and distract myself from the urge to kiss her right then,but she wasn't making it easy for me.

I watched as she stripped off her clothes and even the conservative chemise leaving only a practically non-existent outfit that left nothing to the imagination I sighed and took of my clothes, turned of the lights and got into bed.

King Munnu's POV

I stood outside looking up at the stars as the cool night breeze ruffled my clothes and hair. I felt content that now my two favorite people in the world were now tied to my side it was a triumph and I wished Hye Jin was still beside me to share my joy.

Remembering her now i felt sad and though i would never admit it i still loved her and missed her support. I sighed and turned back towards my chambers.

Hye Jin's POV

Today must be a triumphant day for Munnu,he had made an advantageous move that bound his most loyal supporters by his side and also put them in a position of power,I was so happy for him and Il Mun.

I had seen the way he had gazed at his bride and I knew it had been a love match as well just like mine Munnu had once been. I decided to go for a walk when I caught sight of Munnu

I stopped and hid behind a wall when i saw him gazing at the stars, something we used to do together, i longed to go to him but i couldn't,i watched him turn away and head back inside, i then went back to my chambers to spend yet another sleepless night.

Hi guys hope your enjoying the story, sorry about the slow updates I've been having a little writers block and I was too lazy to root out typos,if you see any do let me know.

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