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Kim Ha Joon's POV

I look up as Jade walked into my office during the past twelve years she has grown into a beautiful young woman,in fact she looks just like a normal, average university student but she is deadly lobbyist.

I smile grimly I should know since I trained her to be just that "sit down Jade, there's a mission, you're to intercept an arms shipment from Russia.The arms arrive in Seoul by next week"

I say and slide the file across the tabletop. She furrowed her brows as she glanced through it "why would the Senator want to intercept it"

"it's an illegal arms deal,he has been investigating Min Hong Ji for illegal arms dealing but he never had the proof,now he does,are you up to it" " yes boss" i nod and she bows and leaves.

I sigh and hope I have not sent her to her death because My friend Gwang tae and Min Young would never forgive me.

Jade's POV

After leaving my boss's office I go home, Eomma and Abba would be so happy to see me I can still remember the first day I called them that,it had been on my 16th birthday.

They had organized a surprise party for me with a few of my friends and neighbors and even my my boss Kim Ha Joon,I had been overwhelmed with mixed emotions

Although I couldn't celebrate my 16th birthday with my parents in that moment realized I was not all alone or painfully different in a foreign place,I was loved and surrounded by friends and neighbors and most importantly family.

Miss Min Young and Gwang tae sshi. When I was asked to give a speech,I thanked them all for being my friends and for going to all this trouble just for me.

And then I turned to Miss Min Young and Gwang tae sshi and said "Abba,Eomma thank you so much for everything you've done for me,for loving me and taking care of me all these years,I love you"

And right away Eomma teared up and even Abba was blinking away tears I walked towards them and hugged them tightly. I smiled at the memory and turned into our driveway, got out and walked to the door and knocked

Eomma opened the door and hugged me delightedly I smiled back at her and she ushered me inside, "where's Abba?" "He's still at work but don't worry he will be so delighted that he's runaway daughter is home"

I grinned cheerfully, happy to be home even if it's just for a short while,I begin to ask about our friends and she updates me on all the latest gist on our friends and former neighbors and we go shopping and have lunch together.

At lunch I can tell that she has something on her mind so I reach across the table and hold her hand "Eomma what's wrong?" She sighs and says "Jade I know you love being a Lobbyist,but haven't you thought about settling down at all?"

I look down at my plate, honestly I haven't given it a thought at all,I really loved my job,but I could Isee the yearning on her face and so I tell her

"Eomma, don't worry after this last mission you can arrange some blind dates and if I find someone I like,I will quit" she lights up immediately and her joyful smile is worth the sacrifice.

At dinner Eomma breaks the news,I am going to have a little sister or brother! I am speechless with joy and I hug and congratulate them,and immediately we start planning where the nursery would be, what color to paint it,and other stuff and eventually I go upstairs to pack for the next day.

Following the mission i would be staying at the hideout so I pack most of my things. The next day I dress quickly bid them goodbye and drive to the place where the shipment is going to pass through

I park in an abandoned building,remove my number plate from the car and change to a black leotard,which i had already worn underneath my clothes and a mask then I head to the top of the building to setup.

King Munnu's POV

It's been 8 years now and not much has changed,I haven't been able to achieve anything more than survival in this hostile court.

I sighed as i walked around the palace, suddenly i felt frustrated and claustrophobic and longed to just leave the palace for awhile.

There was a time when i seriously contemplated running away,but then I remember how my parents died believing in me, believing that I had the power to transform the Kingdom into a prosperous and powerful one.

And though i know i don't have the power to do so, and i never might by the way,at least my existence gave the people hope, hope that weighed heavily on me every day I woke up and realized I still didn't have the power to change anything so I....existed.

One day I was hiding from my entourage, trying to lose them, this has become a recent pastime of mine to the dismay of my servants.

It's not that I don't trust them but sometimes I feel an overpowering need to be alone. And so that day I discovered a secret tunnel that led out of the palace.

I was estatic to make such a find and regularly snuck out to stroll among the people disguised as a noble. I am heading back towards the secret route one fine evening when I am suddenly surrounded by assassins.

Jade's POV

I watch through the binoculars on my sniper rifle,a .300 Winchester Magnum to be exact as the van approaches,it looks pretty Inconspicuous but I know better

I quickly pick of the driver and passenger,pack up and slide down the building then i run to the van and drag the now dead occupants out,this was the stomach churning part

I wipe and clean of the blood in the van and then i move my stuff to the van. As i move to open the door suddenly feel faint and dizzy and a bright light shone blindingly around me

I fall to my knees as the wind whipped my hair about me,then all of a sudden it stops and i stagger to my knees, wondering what the heck just happened when I hear the sound of swordfighting.

Descendants of Destiny (EDITING IN PROGRESS) Where stories live. Discover now