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I run around the van, and to my surprise I see a group of men in Black clothes attacking a young man around.

They were all dressed in really old fashioned,in fact scrap that,they were dressed like historical figures. I concluded that they were actors and were probably shooting a movie but I saw no crew and no cameras,and also why hadn't I heard them before?

That was when i noticed that the entire landscape around me had completely changed,all the modern building were replaced with historical ones,

I was still trying to process what was happening when some of the young man's attackers caught sight of me and they all paused, staring at me.

King Munnu's POV

The assassins had of course attacked me,and i knew i couldn't fight them all by myself and no one else knew where i was so i knew i was probably going to die just like my father did,but I wouldn't go down without a fight.

But suddenly the assassins paused staring at one another and at something behind me,i turned and saw the strangest person I have ever seen.

Her skin was light brown, like fine earth and she had these even stranger outfit on that black and shiny and fit like a second skin and long curly brown hair standing in front of a strange big white box,

i can tell the assassins are just as confused as i am about her strange arrival and they decide to attack her as well. I wonder how I'm going to defend her as well as myself when she starts fighting them.

Jade's POV

They obviously decide to attack me as well and I start to fight them, grateful for all those years of hard training in combat I'd received from My boss,I quickly duck and disarm one the assassins and use his sword to finish the rest,

Within minutes i kill and mortally wound them all and then i notice that the young man was already tired and injured so i run to assist him, killing the one that was about to deliver a killing blow.

But looking up we notice that even more assassins were running towards us on the roofs of buildings with bows and arrows and any minute now they would start firing

Without thinking twice i grab his hand and we run to the back of the van just as the first arrows struck the ground and the van,I quickly grab a submachine gun and start firing at them all the while ducking out of range of the flying arrows,

Soon they are all dead injured or running away and then I turn to the young man who is staring at me strangely.

King Munnu's POV

What is she? And where did she come from? So many questions where running through my mind and I had no idea how to begin asking because I wasn't sure she could speak our language,but I will be eternally grateful that she was here and that she saved my life.

Jade's POV

I ask him in Korean "who were those men and why were they trying to kill you?" His eyes widened in surprise when I spoke,I think he wasn't expecting me to understand and speak Korean,

But he replied me anyway "they are assassins,they were probably sent by the Queen or the prime minister" his Korean sounded really old-fashioned like the ones they speak on the historical k dramas that Eomma watches on TV

Descendants of Destiny (EDITING IN PROGRESS) Where stories live. Discover now