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After the swim they went back to their tents to dry of and change clothes before having dinner.

After the meal they discussed how they would get to the shamman and who would go. After a bit of arguing they decided that Munnu would go with Il Mun and Jade would stay behind at camp with Hye Jin

So early the next morning they disguised themselves and snuck out of the camp. They headed up the mountain and found a cave.

They both looked at each other and nodded,Il Mun lit a torch and they both walked in cautiously,swords at the ready in case it was a trap

The King called out "is anyone here?" While Il Mun whirled around with the touch,taking in their surroundings. "Is anyone here?" Munnu called out again

And this time an odd looking woman with white long hair came out of the shadows and said "who dares disturb my peace?" "Your King" Munnu replied coldly.

Hearing that she fell to her knees and bowed, "Your Majesty,please forgive me and spare my life" she said trembling

"Ill think about it" The King continued in the cold,intimidating manner he usually reserved for officials at court, "tell me where the yeoujji is"

"Your Majesty,i was instructed to destroy it but it was too powerful,it would have wiped out the entire kingdom so i sent it into the future,to another time and place"

(At the camp)

The crown princess and Jade waited anxiously for the men to return. They both prayed that they would return with good news and they would find the orb.

Jade sat cleaning and loading her guns
While Hye Jin sat across from her in front of her musical instruments trying to play a melody but it kept coming out flat and twangy

Jade winced at the music and said to Hye Jin "Hye Jin,maybe you should stop" the Crown Princess looked stricken "i dont know whats wrong with me today,i usually play very well"

Jade smiled at her reassuringly "I know Hye Jin,but your mind is not settled at the moment and you're anxious thats why you keep making mistakes at it"

The princess sighed and said "you're right,i just cant stop worrying about His Majesty and Il Mun,what if something goes wrong?,what if it was a trap?"

Jade sighed,she herself was worried and more anxious about the whole thing than she would like to admit but she couldn't allow herself to think negatively

"Hye Jin dont worry they'll be fine,nothing will happen im also very worried but all we can do is hope and pray that they return safely and successful"

Hye Jin sighed "you're right Jade,its just that i cant afford to lose his majesty again i wouldn't be able to bear it,i love him so much"

Jade held the princess's hands "i understand how you feel,but we cant give in to despair ok?" The princess nodded and they both sat down "does that mean that you love Il Mun now?"

The question was so sudden and Jade froze,she glanced away and sighed "I do" Hye Jin smiled and said "thats wonderful Jade" Jade shook her head "no its not" Hye Jin frowned "why isn't it?"

"Well i dont think he feels the same way and even if he does it would only make it harder for him when i leave" "What??? Youre leaving??" Jade was about to explain when a guard burst into the tent

"Your Highness, Your Royal Highness an army is headed this way" the two princesses were horrified "whoose army is it?" Hye Jin asked in alarm "The prime ministers and the Queen's family's"

Jade quickly got up and grabbed her weapons "Hye Jin you stay here ill go"
The crown princess grabbed her arm and said "please be careful,if they are too much please retreat" Jade nodded and went out.

(At the mountain)

The young King glared at the cowering shamman and Il Mun asked "we dont have all day shamman,can you bring it back or not?"

"My powers are not strong enough to bring the yeoujji back" The King growled "then what are you still living for" pulling out his sword. The shamman shivered in terror and stammered out

"'s another way!!, i can make a time portal that will take you to where the yeoujji is!!" Il Mun and Munnu turned to look at each other then the young king ordered the shamman to make the portal

Il Mun's eyes widened "Munnu!" He hissed and pulled the king away "what are you doing? Have you forgotten that this shamman works for the officials who wants you dead?what if the portal leads to a trap?"

"Il Mun we have come this far now we cannot go back empty handed,i have to take the risk or spend the rest of my life asking myself what if" the prince sighed and said "i understand but at least let me go with you,and i wont take no for an answer"

Munnu shook his head "No Il Mun,i need you to stay and take care of Hye Jin and Jade if anything happens to me" Il Mun was about to argue when they heard the shamman saying "How is this possible??"

The King and the prince looked over to see a giant translucent portal gleaming "whats the matter shamman?" The King asked "the yeuojji,it is here! It is right below this mountain now!"

"But you sent it into the future how is it here?" The King asked in confusion,then it dawned on them both and the two men stated at once "Jade!!!" They ran and plunged into the portal.

Jade's POV

I opened fired immediately on the attacking army while ducking behind the shield some guards had placed in front of me to protect me from flying arrows

I threw hand grenades,smoke bombs and snuck closer to their line of archers and opened fire on them which narrowed the fight down to combat

Although my weapons were doing a good job of holding them of,i wasn't sure i could do so for long. We were woefully outnumbered and already half of the guards with me were dead or injured badly.

Suddenly out of the corner of my eye,i see Munnu and Il Mun race into the camp and start fighting i am releived but im also curious and worried,did they succeed? And how would we defeat this army?

Descendants of Destiny (EDITING IN PROGRESS) Where stories live. Discover now