6 - Percy's Gone/Sorting

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I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter.

Annabeth's pov
(This takes place around the same time that Percy left with the wizards.)

Percy is missing again.

I went to Percy's house after he didn't show up at camp for our date, he wasn't there and his mom couldn't tell me where he was. I'm going to Chiron to tell him that I'm going to see the Gods and if they don't know where Percy is, we will have to send out search parties.

I just got to the Big House. "Chiron!" I call.

"I'm in here." Chiron calls from his office.

I go to his office. "I need to go see the Gods."

"Why do you need to see the Gods?"

"Percy is missing."

"He's on a mission for me."

"A mission? Don't you mean a a quest?"

"It's like a quest but there is no prophecy."

"Where is he and why didn't he tell me?"

"He is somewhere in England and he..."

"England! The last few people that went there didn't come back!"

"I know, but he is not there for the same reason that they were."

"Why didn't you send me with? You never send anyone away from camp alone! Why didn't he tell me that he was leaving?"

"He was sent out very last minute, and didn't have time to call you. He called me from his mom's house around six to let me know that he was leaving."

"Why did Sally not tell me where he is?"

"I told her not to because I wanted to tell you."

That was a few days ago. Today after not seeing Percy for three days he IM me. I was by the lake alone when he called.

"Annabeth!" I turn to see who is calling me. It Percy he is IMing me, but it was cutting out when we tried to talk and the screen was fuzzy.

"Percy! Where are you?"

(The lines are places where a word(s) was cut out. I know that IMs don't cut out like phones do, but for the story line this is how I'm going to do it.)

"I'm a _________. I'm going to a _____________ school. I have another _______ __________! I'm sorry I didn't ________ sooner. I found some old ____________! They _________ you. I..." I didn't get to hear what he said next because the IM stopped working.

I'm going to the Big House to tell Chiron what is happening with the IM. "Yes, I thought this might happen. Where Percy is IM and phones will not work."

"Why not?"

"It's kind of like how we have a boarder to keep monsters out. They have a boarder that makes it so that phones and IM don't work."

"Then how are me and Percy going to talk?"

"You will write letters."

"How is the letter going to get there?"

"What is your mother's animal?"

"An owl." Just as I said that a white owl with black spots flow in. It landed on Chiron's arm.

"This is Helen, she will bring letter to Percy, Percy has his own owl named Jasmine she will also bring letters to and from Percy."

"Ok, so I just write a letter and give it to her and she will know where to take it?"

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