9 - Harry and Ron being idiots and a letter from Annabeth

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I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter.

Harry's pov

Me and Ron hurry back to the Great Hall to talk to Hermione.

"Hermione! You have to come with us. We need to talk to you!" Ron says.

Hermione takes one look at our faces and follows us back to the common room.

"What's wrong?" She asks clearly worried.

"Me and Ron were down by the position room when we saw Draco and Luna come out of the position room, and they were crying! Then after they left like a minute later Percy came out. He wasn't crying. We think that Percy made them cry." I explain.

"You made me come all the way up here to tell me that you think that Percy is a bad guy. You've told me that at least five times. In the last day! Percy, Luna, and Draco have clearly known each other for a while. You have no idea what he told them. Maybe he wasn't the person who made them cry! Have you tried asking before you just jump to conclusions?"

Ron and I shook our heads. We didn't ask. We had just guessed. We tell Hermione that we will go ask Luna.

We walk back down to the Great Hall. On the way there we see Luna walking up to her room. She is still crying.

"Luna! What's wrong?" I call. She comes over to us.

"I just found out that someone killed my best friend."

"Oh my gosh! That is horrible! Do you know who did it? Was it Percy? I bet it was Percy!" I say.

"How could you!" She yells. "Percy would never hurt anyone! He wouldn't hurt a fly! He is the most loyal person I've met! He is more loyal than you two will ever be!" She runs off.

We tell Hermione what happened, and that we don't know why Luna got so mad. She yells at us for being idiots.

Percy's pov


I was sitting in the Great Hall with Hermione when a bunch of owls fly in.

"What are they doing?" I ask.

"Well, cell phones don't work here. So, everyone writes letters and the owls deliver them."

A white owl with black spots lands by me.

"You got a letter!" Hermione says. She shows me how to take the letter off. I open the envelope. I pull out the letter and right away I recognize the handwriting. Annabeth.

Dear Percy,

As you might have guessed I was more than a little mad when I found out that you were gone and that no one knows how long you will be gone. I was even madder though when Chiron told me that the only way to talk to you was to write a letter and have an owl deliver it. That seems a little odd if you ask me.

I don't know if you are aware but when we last IMed it cut out quite a bit. I was unable to understand what you where trying to say. So, if that Seaweed Brain of ours can remember what you where trying to say write me a letter. You better write me letters often.

Don't do anything stupid (I know that will be hard for you). Write me a letter soon. Don't get yourself killed. I love you.


I read the letter and laugh. That sounds just like Annabeth. Hermione asks me what's so funny. I tell her that my girlfriend sent me a letter. She frowns when I say girlfriend. I wonder why. I have notice that a lot of girls look at me weirdly here. I never thought much of it though. Speaking of girls I look around for Luna I don't see her though. I see Draco and go to talk to him.

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