20 - Greenland

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I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter.

Thalia's pov

Percy, Annabeth, and Nico have been gone for about a week now. And in that week nothing has happened here. The wizards aren't expecting anything to happen but the demigod are. We know that Nico, Annaneth, and Percy are on a quest with the third Great Prophecy. The last two Great Prophecies ended in war. We did not need another war right now. It would be our third war in two years.

We had to tell Ron, Hermione, and Harry about how the Gods are real. I don't think they believe us. Hermione might, because she smart but the boys are acting like we are crazy. They whisper around as though we can't tell that they are talking about us.

I have seen Hermione in the library a lot latly. She seems to be reading books about Greek mythology. She wants to learn everything she can, so that if what we said is true (like it is) when the boys come around she can tell them a lot of facts about the Greek Gods.

Hermione's pov

The boys still don't believe that the Gods are real, but I do. It would explain a lot of Percy weird behavior. I have a few questions that I can't find the answers to in books. I'm going to find Hazel. I find her in an empty classroom. She is was Frank and four other people I don't know. I knock on the door frame. Everyone looks over at me.

"Come in," Hazel says.

"Hi," I say suddenly feeling nervous around the newcomers.

"Hi," Frank says. "Guys, this is Hermione. Hermione this is Jason, Piper, Leo, and Calypso!"

They all wave when their names are said. "What's up Hermione?" Hazel asks.

"A few weeks ago Ron and Harry came to me and told me that they found something weird about Percy. When I asked them what I was they said that I had to see for myself. Then they brought my these notebooks. They were Percy's. The boys read them," I say, not wanting to admit I read them too. "The boys had a few questions. They found these riddles and it seemed like the whole notebook was about one of the riddels. The boys asked me what I thought the riddles were. I told them that I didn't know. We wrote them down, and a few days later we heard them. Trelawney said them. Then she said one line of each of them in the Great Prophecy. So, I was just wondering if they were all of the prophecies Percy has heard."

"Well, I would love to help answer your question, but I don't know all of Percy's prophoceies. I can tell you about the ones that I was there for, but a lot happened to Percy before me. You should go to Thalia, she was there more than me."

"Ok," I say. Then I ask her and the others about all of the prophecies. They tell me what they know and then send me off to find Thalia. I'm a little scared. Just because Thalia is kind of very super scary. Luckily when I find her in the Great Hall she is with Luna and Draco. That should make me feel better, but it doesn't. I think that if Thalia tried to kill me they won't try to stop her. They might help her! I was not the nicest to Luna when I first met her and I did punch Draco in the face a few years ago.

"Hi!" Thalia says, sounding happy. "What's up? " She asks.

Then I tell her everything I told Hazel. At first she is a little mad that we read Percy's notebook, but she tells me what I asked her to. She tells me all about Percy's life and how he lost a lot of friends in the last two wars. Everything that she says makes me think about my life. The things that I take for granted my friends, my family. How I just walk around and everything is fine. Percy and the other demigod can't do that. They don't have both of their parants. They live every moment like it might be their last, because it could be! They know that most of them aren't going to grow old and start a family. They know that they are going to die young.

Thalia must see the look on my face, because she tells me not to feel bad for them. They have gotten used to the idea of dieing and it doesn't scare them that much any more.

Ron's pov

Harry and I don't believe that Percy and his friends are demigods. We think they are using that a cover story and they really work for Voldemort and his followers.

We are just waiting until they get back from their little trip to tell them that we know their secret. Then they will try to fight us. We will win the fight and they will all go to Azkaban.

Annabeth's pov

I need to find Percy and get him to tell me why we are going to Greenland.

I find Percy in the kitchen. "Percy I need you to tell me why we are going to Greenland, please," I say.

"We are going because of the prophecy," He says.

"I know that! I need you to tell me what line makes you think we need to go to Greenland."

"Can you just trust me, that everything will work out?"

"I trusted you so many times in the last year. 'I'm at a wizarding school, but everything will be ok. I heard the third Great Prophecy, but everything will be ok. I got kidnapped and don't have Riptide, but I'm fine. Come get on this ship with me and we can go to Greenland. We got lost in our way to Greenland, let's follow this swimming cow!' Just please tell me what you think each line of the prophecy means." I say.

"Ok, the first line 'A half-blood of the eldest God' is talking about me and how this prophecy is about me. The second line 'Shall find what was stolen and see it safely returned' Something or maybe someone was stolen from me and I have to find it and get it back. The third line 'You shall sail on the iron ship with warriors of bone' Hazel made the ship out of iron and we have Nico and his skeletons. The fourth line 'The bane of Olympus shows the trail' Bessie is the Bane of Olympus, and she is helping us get to Greenland. The fifth line we will talk about in a minute. The sixth line 'An oath to keep with a final breath' I made a promise that I would save someone, who I will tell you about in a minute! The seventh line 'Falling from ice the son of Neptune shall drown' I'm going to drowned in some way. The eighth line 'Wisdom's daughter walks alone.' You are going to walk alone in some way at some point."

"What does the fifth line mean?" I ask.

"The fifth line 'The dead, the traitor, and the lost one raise' our friends are coming back." He says.

"What do you mean?"

"A lot of our friends have died. They are 'the dead'." He says. "As much as I hate to say this, the spies and the demigod who worked with Kronus are 'The traitor(s)'. As for the 'lost one' when you were kidnapped one of the lines of the prophecy was 'One shall be lost in the land without rain' Lost, Bianca died in a desert."

"Luke is coming back?" I ask in shock.

"I didn't want to tell you in case something goes wrong." Percy tells me.

"I'm going to lay down," I say, going to my room.

A few hours later there is a knock on my door. "We're here," Nico calls.

A/N Hi, guys!! I just wanted to let you know that the voting thing I put out sometime last week is still open. So, if you want to vote go ahead. When I close it I will delete that chapter. Thanks for reading! I hope you had a great Monday!!

- Alex

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