30 - War (part 1)

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I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter.

Annabeth's pov

I was in the middle of yelling at Nico where Jason came in to tell me that we had to leave.

"Now?" I ask.

"Now. I don't know what you said to The Gods but, they're here."

I look back at Nico, "I'll deal with you later. Let's go! Chiron we have to go!" I yell.

Chiron, Jason, Nico, and Will follow me out of The Big House. We hurry down to where The Gods are. They see us coming.

"Is everyone here?" My mom asks.

I look at all The Counselors they nod to let me know that they have all their campers. The Gods teleport us to The Great Hall in Hogwarts. The kids there are getting ready to fight too, or trying to. It is just chaos.

"All right! Everyone be quite!" I yell. Everyone looks at me. "Jason, how far away are the monsters and other Wizards?"

"They are still by the village. We still have time," Jason says.

"Ok, let's get the young kids out of here. They already should have been out."

"We have already started moving them out," Jason says.

"Good, get the rest of them out. Let's get one or two demigods with a group of five or so Wizards. Demigods, we can't fight The Wizards. We just don't have the right tools to do that. So, your job is to fight the monsters and keep The Wizards safe. The members of The Seven, Thalia Reyna, Nico, Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I want all of you to be walking around and helping everyone where you can. Try and stay together with at least one other person. Nico, before you go out we need to talk. Gods! We don't know exactly what monsters are out there. Help where you can."

Harry's pov

Annabeth is up in front of everyone yelling orders.

"Demigods! We are fight this battle to help The Wizards but, we are also fighting in honor of Percy and all he's done for us! We have fought countless other battles and wars! We can do this! Clarssie help spilt everyone into groups! Let's go!"

We all hurry outside. Clarssie is shouting at everyone, telling them where to go and who to be with. Most of the kids from Hogwarts look scared of her. They keep looking over at The Gods as though they aren't sure if they are real or not. I'm standing with Ron and Hermione by 'The Seven', Thalia, and a new girl Reyna. The demigods were all talking.

"Thalia are The Hunters coming?" Jason asks.

"They should be coming later," Thalia says.

Nico's pov

I follow Annabeth out of the room and to one of the classrooms. I know I'm about to get yelled at.

"What did your dad say?" She asks.

"He said that a man without a nose and with no hair came to him and was telling him what to do. The man said that if he didn't do what he said that he would hurt me and Hazel. So, he did what he was told. He said that he let everyone out," I tell her.

"Ok, so, if he let The Others out why didn't he let Percy out?"

"The Guy told him not to. He tried but, it didn't work."

Before Annabeth can respond we hear a scream from outside.

"We have to go!" Annabeth says. We both rush out the room and outside.

When we get outside we see that The Monsters and The Wizards have arrived. For a minute no one moves. Then there is complete chaos. Everyone runs forwards at once. Swords and monster claws start swinging, spells and arrows fly.

A hellhound runs at me. I grab my sword and quickly stab it. Things are going great for our side until they aren't. A man with no nose and no hair who can only be the man who talked my father appears out of no where.

I turn to Harry who is fighting next to me. "Who is he?"

"Voldemort," is all he says.

"Percy's grandpa?" I ask.

"Yeah, he killed my parents and I defeated him twice. I don't know how he's here. It doesn't make sense!"

"Most things don't make sense when demigods are involved."

Harry's pov

I can't believe I'm going to have to fight Voldemort again!

Voldemort looks around. "Harry Potter!" He yells. "Step forward!"

I step forward to the front of the crowd. I'm going to fight him and I'm going to win. After I win the fight Annabeth will see how brave I am and fall in love with me.

"So, we meet again," he says.

"Yeah, did you come for me to kill you again?" I ask.

"Oh, if only it was that easy!"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Only my Grandson can kill me this time!"

"What? Why? How?"

"A simple spell. I took his blood and my blood and casted a spell on them to make it so, he would be the only one who could I will me!"

"Where did you get his blood?" Annabeth asks.

"From Gringotts of course. He used his DNA to open the bank door and I took it. Now I can take over The World because he is not here to stop me!"

We all realized how true that was. If Percy really was the only person who could kill him we are in trouble but, I'm sure I can kill him and save the day!

Then Luke started running to Annabeth. He has what looks like a blanket in his arms but, it was glowing.

"You brought that here!" Annabeth says where he gets to her.

"The Fates told us to!" Luke says. Then he screams and throws the blanket off to the side.

"Why did you do that?" Annabeth asks sounding annoyed.

"It was burning me!" He says holding up his arms, that are now bright red.

"Ok, well, as I was saying," Voldemort says clearly wanting to finish his speech about taking over the world. "I can take over The World and become The King! now that there is no one to stop me!"

"Oh, if only it was that easy!" A voice says mocking Voldemort. Everyone turns to see who it s and standing where the blanket was is Percy. "What you thought you could fight my grandpa without me?"

A/N The last chapter will be posted next Monday! We are so close to being done (for real this time)! Thanks for reading!

- Alex

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