12 - Christmas

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I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter.

Percy's pov

It's Christmas Eve! I'm so excited. Tomorrow I'm going to send Annabeth her gift with a note telling her to IM me when she got it so I can see her open it.


I wake up to see gifts at the end of my bed. I get up with the other boys to open them. I get a lot of cool things...
1) A bunch of Chocolate Frogs from Hermione.
2) A box of blue cookies from my mom.
3) A box that squirts slime when you open it from Travis and Conner.
4) A fake plant from Katie. Because we all know I would kill a real plant in like a day.
5) A book of bunch of pictures of us from the seven.
6) A note that says "I love you! There is a better gift coming soon!" From Annabeth.


Harry's pov
I'm sitting with Ron, Hermione and Mini V at lunch. Nothing is happening. We are all just talking and eating. When the door flies open. Everyone turns to look. A tall beautiful girl with stormy grey/gray eyes, and long curly princess like blonde hair comes through the doors. She looks around the room before her eyes land on me. She starts walking to my table. I am about to get up when Mini V stands up and walks to her. They hug and then kiss.

"What are you doing here?" He asks her.

"Well, after what happened the other day Mr. Brunner decided that it would be best if I come here to be with you. It just also happens to be your Christmas present."

"I'm so happy. Come here so I can introduce you to everyone." They walk back over to our table. "This is Ron, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny." He says pointing to us as he says our name. "Guys this is my girlfriend Annabeth."

She shouldn't be with him. She's to good for him. She needs someone better. Like me. I'll do everything I can to break them up.

Later that day I'm with Ron, Hermione, Annabeth, and Mini V in the Common Room.

"So, how long have you known Percy?" I ask Annabeth expecting her to say a year or two.

"Well, we meet when we were 12, and started dating on Percy's 16th birthday. So, we've known each other for 6 years and have been dating for 2 years."

I was surprised six years is a long time. However the longer they've known each other the sooner the will break up. Annabeth will be mine by the end of the school year.

Percy's pov

I don't like the way Harry is looking at Annabeth. I might not be the smartest person, but I know that look. Heck! That's the look I have given Annabeth for years. Now that I think about I hope she never saw. That would be embarrassing. What was I saying? Stupid ADHD.

I look over at Annabeth. She looks back at me. She smiles and grabs my hand. Harry looks down at our hands and frowns.

"Wise Girl let me go get your gift." I run up to my room to get her gift.

Annabeth's pov

Percy comes down hold a small box wrap in owl wrapping paper. He hands of to me. I open it. It is a little gray/grey box. I open the box and it's a charm bracelet. It has 8 charms on it. A lighting bolt, a tree, clouds, a maze, The Empire State Building with the names of all the people who died in the first war, a ship that looks like the Argo 2 with the names of all the people who died in the second war, a laptop, and a little dagger.

"Percy! I love it!"

"Pull the dagger off, " He says.

I do and it appears in my hands.I look at it closer and realize that it my dagger. The one I lost.

"Percy! How did you find this? "

"I had help, now pull the laptop."

I did and my laptop that I lost appears in my hands.

Harry's pov

Percy got Annabeth a charm bracelet for Christmas. He told her pull off some of the charms and when she did something would happen and she got super happy. I couldn't see because her hand was in the way.

"How did you find these?" She asks him.

"All things lost in there return to Nico's dad," Percy says.

They hug each other and kiss.


Annabeth's pov

I'm sitting by the fire look at my laptop waiting for the others to wake up, but something doesn't feel right. I hear someone come down the stairs. I turn the see who it is. It's Hermione.

"Good morning," She has cheerfully.

"Hey," I say with less enthusiasm.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know, something just doesn't feel right," I answer truthfully.

"Maybe it's nothing, and you just don't feel right because you are in a new place. Like you're homesick," She's suggest.

"Yeah, you're right it's probably just that." I agree, but I know she's wrong. I'm a demigod. I've know Percy for six years. When something doesn't feel right it means something bad is going to happen.

As if he was waiting for me to think that Ron runs down stairs. He looks at me and says two words that make my heart stop.

"Percy's missing."

A/N Merry Christmas (almost) and if you don't celebrate Christmas, Happy/Merry whatever you celebrate! 😁😁🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎆🎆🎆🎇🎇✨✨🎈🎈🎈🎈🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉🎈🎈

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