13 - Where's Percy??

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I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter.

Ron's pov (This is before he tells Annabeth Percy is missing)

The morning after Christmas I wake up and roll over. Percy's bed is on my left and Harry's bed is on my right. I look at Percy's bed and it's empty, that is not uncommon he usually is up before us. I untangle myself from the blankets and realize that it is very cold in our room. Sure it's winter, but it is freezing in here. I look around and see the window is open. That's weird. I figure Percy sent a letter forgot to close the window and went downstairs. Then Neville walks up the stairs.

"Hey Neville, why were you downstairs? Did you see Percy?"

"I forgot my homework for Snape and went to get it. Nobody was down there. When I was coming up Annabeth was coming down. I didn't see Percy. Why?"

"When I woke up he was gone and the window was open. I thought he sent a letter forgot to close the window and then went downstairs."

"He was not downstairs." Neville says.

"Harry! Wake up!"

Harry's pov

I wake to people yelling my name.

"What?" I ask.

"Percy's missing," Ron tells me.

"He's missing!" I say trying not to sound happy. If Percy really was gone Annabeth would need someone to comfort her. That's where I come in. I'll comfort her and she will slowly fall for me. Then we will start dating. After a few years of dating we will get married. We will have a beautiful wedding and our honeymoon will be in the Bahamas. Two years after we get married we will have our first kid. We will have a total of three kids. We will grow old together. She will forget about Percy completely. It will be perfect.

"I'm going to tell Annabeth," Ron says, snapping me out of my thoughts, and runs down the stairs to find her.

He returns a moment later with Annabeth and Hermione.

"Tell me exactly what happened," Annabeth says.

Ron tells her how he got up and saw Percy's bed was empty. The window was open so, he thought Percy had sent a letter and then forgot to close the window and gone downstairs. Then Neville walked in so, he asked about Percy. Neville told him that Percy was not downstairs. Then they woke me up to tell me that Percy was missing and then they got Annabeth.

Annabeth went over to Percy's bed. She looked around it and under it. She looked at the window. "I need to call someone." She sounds panicked. She rushed out of the room. Hermione runs after her.

I went over to the window. I looked at the ground there was something down there. It looked like it was about two or three feet long. The sun making it sparkle. "Guys look." The others came over to see what I was looking at.

"What do you think it is?" Neville asks.

"I don't know." I tell him.

Hermione's pov

I follow Annabeth out of the room. We weren't super close, but her boyfriend is missing. She doesn't see me as I follow her. She goes to Dumbledore's office.

She says the password. How does she know it? She runs up the stairs and into Dumbledore's office. I hide behind the door.

"I need to call someone. Can I do that please?" She asks, strangely calm.

"Of course," He waves his hand. I can't see what happens next, because of the angle I'm at.

"Chiron," I hear Annabeth say. "Percy is missing. I need you to send The seven, Nico, and Thalia to help me look. Please."

"Of course, I'll send them right away. " A man's voice says.

"How soon can they get here?"

"They will arrive around breakfast."

"Thank you."

I hurry to get out of there, so Annabeth won't see me. I go back to the boy's room. They are all standing at the window.

"What are you guys doing?" I ask.

"There is something on the ground." Ron tells me.

I go over to the window to look. Sure enough there is something on the ground. We hear someone coming up the stairs so, we try to look normal.

Annabeth walks into the room. "Hey, let's go to breakfast."

"We're not going to look for Percy?" Harry asks.

"I have friends coming to help look. They'll be here soon."


Ron's pov

We're all just sitting and eating breakfast when Dumbledore stands up to say something.

"As some of you may have noticed Percy Jackson is not here." Anyone who didn't notice turned to look at our table. "We have nothing to worry about as of right now. We do have a group of people coming to help us look. So, if you see them looking around leave them alone. They may ask questions, I need you to answer the questions the best you can." As he finishes his speech the doors open and a group and people come in.

Annabeth stands up and goes over to the group. She gives a few people hugs. Draco and Luna come up and say hi as well. Annabeth looks at us. Hermione stands up. Harry and I follow.

Annabeth leads us all back to the common room.

"Guys, this Harry, Ron, and Hermione," She points to us as she says our names. "This is Nico, Thalia, Hazel, Frank, and Will." She points to each of them. "Hazel, Frank, this is Luna and Draco. Where are Jason and Piper?"

"Jason had to stay and help Reyna, and Piper didn't want to leave him alone, so, Will is here instead." Thalia, who now that I'm getting a closer look at is really pretty, says.

"Hey!" Will says.

"I'm kidding!" Thalia says.

"Ok, let's go upstairs and I'll show you what I found."

Annabeth leads us up stairs. she goes to the window and points down. "That's why I called you."

"Is that Riptide? " Hazel asked shocked.

Annabeth nods. "I'm worried because it should be back to him by now."

Percy's pov

I wake up in a dark room. I know I'm not at Hogwarts. I hear the sound of a door being opened.

"Good, you're awake," A man says.

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