16 - There's Percy

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I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter.

Annabeth's pov

"What happened? Where are we?" I ask.

The others look at each other like they are trying to decide if they should tell me or not.

"What happened?" I ask again.

"What do you remember?" Thalia asks me.

"Percy went missing, I called you guys to come help me look for him, you guys were talking to some of the students and I came to find you, someone hit me in the back of the head, I woke up here. Also I saw Percy." I say.

"You saw Percy! When?" Thalia asks.

"In some sort of dream thing. Now what happened and where are we? "

"We were all in the hallway talking and a ball from the Quidditch stadium came through the window and hit you in the back of the head," Luna tells me. "So, we brought you to the infirmary."

"Now, you said you saw Percy? What did he say? Did he look ok? " Thalia ask.

"He didn't say anything. I don't think he knew I was there. He was in some sort of cell talking to two guys."

"What did they say? Nico asks.

"Percy asked where they were and they said they are 3 hours North of here. When can I leave? The soon I get out of here the sooner I can get to Percy. "

"Madam Pomfrey, said that after you wake up she has to do a finally check and we will go from there." Draco says.

I turn and look at Will, "You're my doctor," I say. "Can I leave?"

"You don't have memory loss, you will have a bump on the back of your head, if you had an brain damage the Nectar would have fixed it so, yeah I think you will be fine to go. Just take it easy and be careful." Will tells me.

"Great! " I say starting up to get out of bed.

"Just a minute, I did not tell you that you could leave." An older lady says coming in the room.

She gives me one last check up and then tells me what Will told me, I was fine, but I had to take it easy. We left the infirmary as quickly as we could.

"We need to find a way to Percy," I say. As I say that Harry, Ron, and Hermione come around a corner.

"You know where Percy is?" Hermione asks.

"More or less."

"I know a way you can get to him, I'll show you but only if you let us come." Hermione says.

Hermione's pov

Annabeth and her friends look at each other. Then they start talking in a different language. They seem to be arguing.

"Fine, you can come, but you have to listen and do everything we tell you to. Got it?" Thalia asks.

We bring them to the Thestrals. "You can only see them if you have seen death," I say so that of they can't see them they will know why.

They nod. They can all see them. We get on and fly for a few hours. No one says much, maybe because it's heard to hear when your flying, maybe because we are nervous. We get to an old building. We land on the roof. Thalia and Nico look very happy to be out of the air.

Annabeth tells us to wait where we are. Then her and Thalia walk ahead.

A few minutes they return. "Let's go! " Thalia yells. We all fellow her and Annabeth around a corner and down some dark and creepy stairwell. We walk down the stairs for a while before we stop. "The next flight will lead to the basement, that is where Percy is," Annabeth says. "We're going to go in and demand that they give us Percy back."

"What if they don't give us Percy back?" Ron asks.

"Then you three come back up here, and we will take care of them," Annabeth says. I wonder what she means by 'take care of them'.

We nod. She opens the door. We all walk through.

Percy is sitting at a table with two other men. They all look up when we walk in.

"Annabeth! Guys! What are you doing here?" He asks.

"We came to save you," Nico says.

"Well, your too late! I have decided to join Liam and Tim," He says in a dark tone, but then he says something in a different language.

Nico's pov

"I'm just pretending to join them, until I could get out of here," He says in Greek. Those of us who can understand him nod.

He looks back at Tim and Liam. He looks at Annabeth they have a quick quite conversation with their eyes. Annabeth nods. She throws something at him. He catches it. It happened fast, they made sure to throw it low so Tim and Liam would not it see from the other side of the table. It takes me a minute to realize that Annabeth gave him Riptide.

He stands up and walks over to Liam and Tim. "Liam," He says. "Would you please bring these guys to a cell. Tim, I need your help here. Liam, you better not hurt them."

We are brought down a long hallway and up some stairs. Liam makes sure we get into the cell, before he closes and locks the door. A few seconds later there is a crash from down the hall. Percy comes up the hall a minute later looking worried. "Liam!" He calls. "Tim pasted out and I don't know what to do." He says. "You know what to do right?" Liam nods.

"You go check on him. I'll stay here and watch these guys. "

Liam doesn't even think about what Percy said he just leaves. Percy takes out Riptide and uses it to pick the lock on the cell, by pick I mean he cut it off.

Percy lead a us up some stairs down a lot of hallways and finally we are back with the Thestrals. We fly back to Hogwarts. We all hug Percy. He still has not said anything.

"Percy? What's wrong?" Annabeth asks.

"I need to go to Greenland as soon as possible," Is all he says.

A/N Hi, I'm sorry this is so late and I'm sorry it's not very good. I promise there will a chapter out on Monday.

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