"He is a nerd and also he is having a girlfriend." julien said.
"He was having a girlfriend." sarthak corrected julien's sentence.
"Can he do something like this ?" ahmed asked.
"I don't think so." julien said.
"Who is the person though" harshal asked.
"He is." ahmed said, he took a pen and underlined it. He gave that list to harshal.
Harshal read the name, 'Mr. Abeer Laghari'. For seconds he thought about that person who this person could be.
"Who is this person ?" harshal asked.
"He is from our college, He liked our gayatri so much." sarthak said.
"He was gayatri's batch mate and her only friend." julien said.
"Okay" harshal said, everyone saw harshal's reaction as he was trying to ignore the topic.
"There is no one in my list which seems suspicious to me." ahmed said.
"Ohh..." ahmed said.
"Let's exchange our lists again with each other." sarthak said as ahmed gave his list to sarthak, sarthak gave his list to julien, julien gave his list to harshal as harshal gave his list back to ahmed.
"Mr. Aditya Pawar." ahmed said as everyone looked up at him.
"He can't do something like this." sarthak said.
"why ?" harshal asked.
"Because he is gay." julien said.
"But he always had girl with him." ahmed asked.
"He was pretending." sarthak said.
"Ohhh" ahmed said.
"pratish chatterjee ?" ahmed said.
"Nope." sarthak said.
"John smith ?" julien said.
"He is in england and last month he got married with his long time girlfriend" sarthak said.
"nivan bawa ?" harshal asked.
"Nope, he is a common man, he loves his family more than this games." julien said.
"Well then Gaurav Agate" harshal asked.
"Nah..." sarthak answered.
"Gunit bhardwaj ? " harshal said.
"Nah Nah" ahmed said.
"Jack Amble ?" julien asked.
"Nope, he was mamma's boy ha. Kinda cute though" sarthak answered while winking at ahmed.
"Why did you just winked at ahmed ?" julien asked.
"Let me tell you ahmed's girlfrine naira. She used to think that he is cute and ahmed always got this jealousy face." sarthak said.
"Ohhh.. wow. You never told me about this ahmed." julien said.
"He didn't told me this. Naira told me and after that naira proposed him and they became girlfriend and boyfriend." sarthak said.
"Pretty long story ha" julien said as sarthak and julien laughed at ahmed while ahmed blushed with the memory how naira proposed him.
"guys, will you filter this list." harshal said, he was observing everyone, they were helping him to find the person but mostly they were making jokes to spend the time.
"yeah, we are focusing on it." ahmed mumbled as they all started to filter the list again.
"muaaz mustafa ?" ahmed asked.
"Nope dude, he got married at the age of 22." sarthak said.
"zayn pandit ?" julien asked.
"Nope man, he used to flirt with every girl but ended up with family choice." ahmed said.
"He is business of our north side industries." julien said.
"He signed the contract for 7 years with us as he was new that time in the industries." sarthak said.
"ohh then nope nah" julien said as sarthak nodded his head.
"Kabir bhandari ?" ahmed asked.
"nope." sarthak said.
"Lakshaay Bhargava ?" harshal asked.
"nope." sarthak said.
"Yeatish Janesh ?" harshal asked.
"Nah " ahmed said as harshal nodded his head in frustration.
"Kalpit punitla ?" sarthak said.
"Nah, he is innocent." julien said.
"He looks like innocent person that doesn't mean he is innocent." harshal said as he remember who is the person ?
"We are pointing out this people because we think that they are suspects but they couldn't be." julien said.
"you -" harshal wanted to drag the fight but ahmed stopped them and told them to focus on the list.
"Hey, what happened with that lover boy who used to bully gayatri and her friend." sarthak asked as he wanted to make surroundings neutral, but does he know what he were doing ?
"Remember how harshal beat him just because he bullied gayatri and her friend." ahmed said as everyone started to laugh hard.
"Remember, he stayed on the spot for continuous 3 hours just because gayatri was crying hard." julien said.
"We helped harshal to find out his whereabouts." sarthak said.
"I won't ever forget about their fight ha" ahmed said.
"that night was awesome ha." julien said, everyone laughed with the memory how they sneak peaked into his home, how they dragged him out of his home, how they beat him.
"He was in the hospital for whole week" ahmed said.
"After that night he never bullied any other girl." sarthak said.
"That's enough guys !" harshal said, he got up from his seat and slammed the list on the table.
"What happened harsh ?" sarthak asked.
"What are you all doing huh ? joking around, making fun with the names. What we were indented to do ?" harshal said, he was fuming in anger. He couldn't digest the fact that his best friends were making fun of him.
"We are doing our work." ahmed said.
"you are making fun out of them." harshal said.
"What do you want harshal ?" julien asked.
"I want that person who did all this ?" harshal said as julien got up from his place to make talk. Ahmed and Sarthak followed julien's steps, they knew julien was ignoring harshal's behavior from the start but not now more that this.
"Oh really ?" julien teased.
"Julien don't test my patience." harshal said.
"What do you have rather than your pea size brain and your stupid anger." julien said.
"Julien, please I want to find that person in any case." harshal said while trying to control his anger.
"What you are gonna do with that person ?" julien asked.
"I will ?, I will -" harshal tried to complete the sentence but he couldn't find the words more than ' I will '.
"You can't even complete the sentence." julien said.
"Julien, I want to find that person and that's it." harshal said.
"Tell me the purpose of yours behind finding the person." julien asked as harshal stayed mum.
"You don't even know harshal what are you doing ?, Do you think that person going to help you to get her back ?" julien said, harshal stayed still.
"No, he won't." julien added.
"Julien ? !" ahmed said.
"I am done with this guy, he had hurt my sister so much. But still I am here helping him to find that person when I knows very well that person is not going to help him in any way. Because he did nothing, whatever happened it was the output of harshal's deeds." julien said.
"What do you mean ?" harshal asked.
"I will explain it to you harshal." julien said, harshal gestured him to say.
So, hey guys. Here is the 23 rd chapter of our story.
Don't forget to vote and comment.
love_geetu ^_^