Chapter 19

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Three weeks had passed just like that.

My days were filled with countless practice and studying about this new world that I am in now. I filled my time with it because I wanted to distract myself from everything.

"So how did the training go with Jaehyun?"

Jaemin beamed at me, then he sipped his cup of Americano, making a loud noise.

Renjun cringed at him, "can u stop doing that??"

It was nice to have finally seen them both after weeks. I've missed them so much.

I missed Mai too.

I looked at the table below, my eyes were getting blurry, and didn't want the boys to worry if I was crying. "It was fine," I said to divert myself from my own thoughts. "He actually taught me new moves."

"Does he really have black fire?" Jaemin asked again. "I can't believe the guy that challenged you to a duel is now training you."

I nodded in silence.

"Lili," Jaemin squeezed my hand below the table since he sat next to me. "If you wanna leave and have a rest you should."

I shook my head lightly and bit my lip.

I think Jaemin noticed that I couldn't hold myself from tearing up so he quickly pulled me into his arms. I buried my face in his chest. I really wanted to tell them about how everyone actually wants me dead, if they ever found out who I really am.


It's also been three weeks since I last saw Hendery.

He disappeared when I accidentally fell asleep sitting next to his bed, the day when Jennie accidentally put a curse on him. I've been trying to find out where he went, but I still have no lead. I haven't seen the rest of the 127 either, except for Jaehyun every Saturday afternoon. To help me with my bending. 

"You aren't feeling the Sun."

Jaehyun said as he walked in a circle around me. I rolled my eyes in secret. I didn't understand how sitting in the air and trying to meditate at the same time under the burning sun above us would help my firebending any better.

"Eyes closed, Juli."

I stood up, my knees were super sore I felt like collapsing from an hour of sitting in the air. "I don't get how this is going to help my firebending."

All of a sudden, Jaehyun started to attack me.

He threw several punches and kicks at my face. I blocked all of them until he started to attack from the bottom. I lost my balance and was about to fall to the back. He grabbed my wrist, then pulled me abruptly to make me stand.

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