Chapter 57

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Recap for you guys ( coz ive been gone for too long): )

Jinora (Yuta's mother figure and former master) deaddy and yuta is kinda angy about it.  Victor (juli's unCle) did it.

Yuh i think that's about it 🤷🏻‍♀️



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I emerged from the shadow on the ground somewhere, a place where Yuta and I agreed to meet through an Iris message. Since it was going to be in an Air Temple, I already braced myself to appear on higher ground.

But I didn't expect this.

I was above the clouds. The wind was cold, and howling. Dizziness suddenly came over me.

"Taeyong," Yuta's voice distracted me from thinking about the height. He landed on the ground safely near me while closing his airbender staff.

We haven't shared a word since that day. Though it's just been maybe a week, it felt like I haven't seen him for years.

The worst years of my life, in fact.

Yuta was the only one I could trust and rely on. But I guess I have destroyed everything that we had.

I blinked, waiting for him to continue. There were a lot of things that I wanted to say, but I decided to keep it all in. That's the least that I could do so he doesn't waste his time. On a traitor.

"We are planning to make a move on the witch in five days." He said.

I was not expecting that. So sudden and right to the point. What was I expecting anyway? It's Yuta.

Though out of all the things he could've said, anything. Anything but that. Why would he tell me that? Is he dense? No, what is he going on about? He is the last person that I would call dense. He is on to something.

"Do you have people to fight with you?"

"Sort of," he breathed in. "All the other nations will fight with us."

Sort of? They have all they need. I thought he brought me here to ask for my undead army.

"But it would be better to have you with us too."

I stared at him, lost in words.

"Well? Say something." He shrugged.

Say something??? "What?"

"We could use more hands. Your power would bring us a great advantage. We have underestimated the dark witch once so we better give all that we have now."

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