Chapter Three: This Is Home

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I had stayed up practically all night working on the song and much to my surprise and joy...I actually finished it!

I wasn't completely satisfied, as artists often never are, but it would accomplish its purpose. I spent the entire day at school being nervous until the final bell rang, signaling that in just fifteen minutes, the auditions would be starting.

I was a nervous wreck, to say the least.

Once the bell rang, I rushed to the bathroom and changed into my audition clothes, which consisted of a red and white Adidas track suit, white sneakers, and a white t-shirt underneath.

Everyone was sent to the dressing rooms backstage to wait for the auditions. I walked in, my bag hiked over my shoulder as I looked around at everyone. There were a lot of people in here. Like a lot. There's a good chance I won't make it.

Don't doubt yourself, Megan! Be Confident! You've got this!

 I spotted EJ, Nini, and Courtney over by one of the makeup tables so I went and put my stuff a little ways from them.

"People, make sure your audition number is clearly visible on your clothes, this isn't a game!" Carlos shouted dramatically.

"Oh, hey Megan!" Nini greeted as Kourtney was doing her make-up. "Are you going to be our incredible Stage Manager again this year?" I offered her a small smile.

"Actually, um...I'm auditioning this year." Her eyes widened adn she smiled.

"Really? That's great! Who for?" I shrugged.

"I don't know. It might just be ensamble for all I know. I'm just...doing this for me, you know?" She nodded.

"I know exactly what you mean." I smiled, nodding and beginning to pull my hair up into a ponytail.

"You know, I'm actually kind of bummed we don't have any competition here." EJ said. I raised my eyebrows. I knew he was trying to boost Nini's confidence and...confidence is kind of part of EJ's whole vibe. It can be endearing...or it can make him sound like a jerk, which it kind of does right now. "It would make getting the leads all the sweeter."

"Would you stop tempting fate?" Nini asked, smacking his arm. He smiled at her, and I found myself remembering just how much I liked him and how I wanted him to look at me the way he looked at her, not that it would ever happen. "You know what, you're right. Whatever." He put a hand on her face and I looked away from them when there was a knock at the door. We all turned to see Miss Jenn.

"Ok, Theatre people." She clapped. "Lets do this." Everyone cheered and began following after her. I sighed, my nerves building and my legs beginning to shake as it sunk in what I was actually about to do.


It started out with Carlos teaching us a warmup dance which...much to my surprise I actually did pretty well at. I was keeping up at least which is what I was hoping to do. But there was this one girl, number one, who stuck out among everyone else. She was an incredible dancer.

"Yes, come on one!" Carlos applauded her. He and Miss Jenn were whispering, gesturing to the girl with one hand. THe song ended and Miss Jenn and Carlos applauded.

"Great! That's it for the warm up!' Carlos said. I sighed, pushing my hair back.

"Hi," I turned, to see a red-headed girl in a pink sweatshirt standing beside me, "You were really awesome during the warm up."

"Thanks," I said shyly, "So were you." She smiled.

"Thanks. So, I overheard your conversation with Nini in the dressing room. This is your first time auditioning for a show?" She asked. I nodded. 

Didn't Know It Before( An EJ Caswell/HSMTMTS Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now