Chapter Nine: Didn't Say It Was A Bad Thing

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I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. Last night at Ashlyn's really helped, and for the first time in a long time, I woke up excited to go to school.

I even changed up my wardrobe.

Normally, what I wore to school was safe, comfortable things that I could hide in like over-sized sweaters, hoodies, beanies that, with the help of my hair, could hide my face. But something about today felt different.

So today, I wore a black and red plaid skirt that, before now, I had been too insecure to wear, but was absolutely in love with. I paired it off with a vintage Guns and Roses shirt that was usually hidden by my hoodies, a black, draping, vest that went to about halfway down the skirt, and finished the look with black tights and a pair of black boots that, again, I'd always been too insecure to even think about wearing in public.

I even pulled my hair into a ponytail to keep it  out of my face.

"What on earth happened to you?" Ashlyn asked as she met me at my locker. I smiled and shrugged.

"I don't know I...I put myself out there yesterday and it was great so I figured why not keep a good thing going?" She laughed.

"Well you look incredible." She told me. 

"Thank you." I said.

"Care to walk me to my locker so we can head to History?" She asked.

"But of course." She laughed at this and I closed my locker, following her around the corner to hers, which was located right beside Miss Jenn's room. Standing there, in front of Ashlyn's locker, was EJ, who was staring into Miss Jenn's office that no doubt had Nini in it.

"Hey, what's up?" Ashlyn asked him.

"Go away."

"No you go away. You're in front of my locker." He stepped aside and she put in her combination, banging a fist on it to get it open in a way that reminded me of Fonzie from the show 'Happy Days'.

"I can't believe this," EJ said, "She's wrapped around Ricky's finger."


"Miss Jenn?" I asked. EJ nodded.

"She added a kiss, between them!"

"EJ, stop," Ashlyn told him," He's not bribing our director."

"He's trying to break us up, Ashlyn."

"Your paranoid."

"Really? Then why did he text Nini at the read through?"

"You don't know that was him." I pointed out, remembering the interaction.

"Then why wouldn't she tell me who it was?"

"Maybe it really was nothing." I pointed out.

"Plus, she doesn't have to tell you. Dating her doesn't mean you own her."

"I need you to borrow her phone for me." My eyes widened at this.

"Borrow?" Ashlyn asked. "As in steal? Ok, ok, you've just gone up like, three levels of scary."


"If she ever found out-" Ashlyn started.

"She won't-"

"She could. And if she did, Nini would never forgive you." Ashlyn slammed her locker shut. "Or me. You wanna take that risk?"

"Ashlyn please." She shot him a look, and he looked at me. "Megan-"

"I'm not involved in this." I said, gesturing between them.

"She's not like the other girls I've dated," He told me, "Nini is real. She makes me better." The bell rang and people started heading to class. 

Didn't Know It Before( An EJ Caswell/HSMTMTS Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now