Chapter Fourteen: A Million Sorrys

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I sat at Ashlyn's kitchen table, my homework on the counter in front of me, while she continued to study for her test.

"So, it just me or were things between you and EJ a little...weird, earlier."

"Probably just you. I didn't notice anything." I said as smoothly as possible. She glanced up at me.

"I don't know, there just seemed to be a lot of...prolonged eye contact." I shook my head.

"I found him in the library, he was freaking out and I calmed him down. It was no big deal."

"How'd you do that?" She asked. I shrugged.

"I know...I hugged him and told him that everything would be ok." She gave me an open-mouthed smile. "And now he's coming over to we can help him write a song for his girlfriend, so whatever you think might've happened is once again, irrelevant." 

She couldn't say anything else, because we heard the sound of the front door open.

"Hello?" EJ's voice called.

"We're in the Kitchen EJ." Ashlyn answered, shooting me a knowing look, which I ignored, looking down at my homework. I didn't look up when I heard his footsteps.

"Uncle Dennis and Aunt Debbie aren't home, right?" He asked, sitting on the table beside  me. "I don't really want an audience for this."

"Uh, thank you?" Ashlyn said, glancing between the two of us.

"No, you know what I mean." He said, seemingly directing this more at me than at Ashlyn. I looked up and we made eye contact that was as Ashlyn put it...prolonged. He shook his head, breaking it. "Uh, Ok, you ready?"

"I'm just impressed you wrote a whole song." Ashlyn said.

"Yeah, its got metaphors and everything." He said proudly, causing me to smile.

"Well I'm proud of you. We both are." Ashlyn said, looking at me. "Sing from the heart." He took a deep breath.

"Here goes." He pressed play on his phone, and the music started. It was very electronic, very much so not Ashlyn's style.

"Before you go and make that face you make when you're mad at me, so mad at me." He started. "Let me say, its not my place going through your voicemail and...your history. And if this were a TV show, you know I'd have to go and plead insanity..." His eyes widened with inspiration as he jumped off of the table, standing in the doorway of the living room. Ashlyn stood up going to the sink, and I propped my chin in my hand, watching him. "Cause the lyin' and spyin'and pryin', isn't really my personality. I'm an idiot for taking your phone."

"Hey." The backing track said.

"This is, my fault, my bad," My eyes widened as he began dancing in a very boy band way that, in my mind was the most adorable thing I'd ever seen. Bad for the context of the song but cute for EJ. "If I said a million sorrys, how about a billion sorrys, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh." He ran over, sitting on the table beside me again, looking at me as he sang the next line. "You shine, just like, the stars, and I'm not even a night light, cause what I did wasn't so bright, I'm really sorry."

He jumped off of the table, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the living room. I shot Ashlyn a confused look and she followed as he swung me around until I was sitting in a chair. She stood behind me, arms crossed and EJ got down on one knee in front of me.

"Girl," He cleared his throat, making his voice deeper, "Girl, you know I was scared that this would end. That's why I checked your DMs. This has been so hard for me to keep this secret from you and our friends. But given the chance," He stood up, "I would definitely do it again." I furrowed my eyebrows, tilting my head to the side. "No, wait, that's not right. I mean that I wouldn't do it again. No-oh-oh-oh-oh, This is, my fault, my bad. If I said a million sorrys, how about a billion sorrys, ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh." He jumped up onto the coffee table, making Ashlyn cringe. "Can't we, just start, again, Once upon a time, I'm sorry, " He got down, sliding across the table until he was crouched in front of me, "Nothing else to rhyme with sorry."

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