Chapter Thirty-Four: We're All In This Together

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I shook my hands out, bouncing nervously on the balls of my feet as I stared at my reflection in the mirror, in my full costume, with a little under an hour to go until showtime.

"Hey, hey, hey," EJ said gently, jogging over to me. I looked up at him and he gave me a knowing look, putting his hands on my shoulders. "Breathe, ok? Breathe. You are going to be amazing."

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm just...I'm fine, everything...everything is fine." He raised his eyebrows skeptically. "I'm just nervous. Its normal to be nervous, right?"

"Yeah, its normal. I promise." I nodded.

"I would hug you, but I'd get makeup all over you." I stated. 

"Yeah, I was gonna kiss your forehead thanks." I chuckled, my nerves dissipating when EJ's eyes lit up with an idea. He grabbed my hand, lifting it to his lips and kissing the back of it, making me smiled goofily. "Goofy smile, bright red face. Remind me to do that again."

"Shut up." I said, shoving him.

"We've got mystery flowers people!" EJ and I turned away from each other as Carlos came back stage lugging i a basket full of flowers that was extra as heck.

"Wow, those are massive." EJ pointed out, wrapping an arm around me.

"Why mystery?" Big Red questioned.

"There was no card, so I'm guessing its dealer's choice, but if I had to bet, I'd say its for our leading lady." Nini put a hand over her heart, glancing at Ricky.

"Not from me. Sorry." He said honestly.

"Its ok." She said. Kourtney came over to touch up EJ's make-up and all the while he was typing rapidly on his phone.

"Head up, Mr. Caswell, you know Miss Jenn said this is a phone-free zone." Kourtney told him.

"I know, but this is important." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows in questioning and he glanced at me, shaking his head.

"Don't worry about it." He mouthed, which actually only made me worry more. But I ignored this feeling and turned to face Big Red behind me just as Ashlyn strolled over in her absolutely incredible Miss Darbus costume.

"Hey!" She said to Big Red.

"Oh, hey!" 

"How do I look?" She began posing dramatically, causing me to smile.

"Solid Ms. Darbus. I did a double take."

"Any pears of encouragement?" She asked in her best Darbus voice.

"Just be you, Ashlyn. You're enough." I almost lost it right at that moment. She went in for a hug, but he high-fived her, grabbing his crate of wires and walking away. She slowly turned around to face me, and I gave her a sympathetic smile.

"What?" She asked. I shook my head. "Look, Big Red's a sweet guy. We're friends, you know? I don't need some great romance to be complete or whatever. We're good." I raised my eyebrows.

"Well you might not need that to happen, but I sure as heck do." She shot me a look. "Ok, Ashlyn...look, I don't think you and Big Red are just friends. I really don't."

"Ok, no offense Megan, but you're just now in you first relationship. How do you  know if we're just friends or not." I smiled.

"Because I've gotten to know Big Red really well over the course of this show," I said, "And while he's a sweet guy and everything...I don't think he compliments just anybody. Especially not this frequently." She smiled at this. "I trust my instincts.

Didn't Know It Before( An EJ Caswell/HSMTMTS Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now