Bonus Chapter: EJ At The Auditions

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Hello there! I'm back with some bonus chapters of things that happened in the book from EJ's Point of View as requested by Olivia_Rae_Torres! I hope you guys enjoy it! More Bonus Chapters to come!


Everyone was sent to the dressing rooms backstage to wait for the auditions. I was sitting on the Make-up table while Nini sat in the chair with Kourtney in the process of doing her make-up. Speaking of which, that's what they were currently talking about, foundation or concealer or something I know absolutely nothing about, so I took the opportunity to look around the room at some of our competition.

I'd known a lot of these people from past productions, and could easily pin point which were notoriously dancers and background characters, as well as kids who had auditions several times and never got parts. It seemed there was legitimately nothing for Nini and I to worry about. We're both shoe ins for these parts.

I heard footsteps and looked up to see a new person walk into the dressing room. The first thing I noticed was the red and white track suit, but because the girl kept her head down as she came in, I couldn't see her face. That is until she looked up, her eyes skimming over the three of us.

Of course I recognized Megan Kline. I'd had a crush on her for a while, back when I was a Sophomore and we got paired together for an English project and since then, I've always kind of gravitated towards her. I don't talk to her anymore, because once the project was over she seemed all-to-eager to never talk to me again, but that's not to say I hadn't noticed her throughout the years. She was still as quiet as ever, and kept to herself all of the time, hiding behind her hair and her thick, black framed glasses which I never quite understood. She's easily one of the most gorgeous girls I've ever seen, with only half the effort of some of the girls I've dated in the past.

She only glanced at us for a second before hurrying over and putting her bag down a couple tables down from us. My eyes lingered on her for a moment before I forced myself to look away, because that's creepy and I have a girlfriend.

"People, make sure your audition number is clearly visible on your clothes, this isn't a game!" Carlos shouted dramatically.

"Oh, hey Megan!" Nini greeted. Megan looked up, her eyes widening slightly in surprise at being addressed."Are you going to be our incredible Stage Manager again this year?" She smiled, shyly.

"Actually, um...I'm auditioning this year." I raised my eyebrows. Megan's auditioning? She's always been our stage manager, and while she's always been good at reading stage directions...can she act? Or sing?

"Really? That's great! Who for?" She shrugged.

"I don't know. It might just be ensemble for all I know. I'm just...doing this for me, you know?" Nini nodded.

"I know exactly what you mean." She smiled, nodding and beginning to pull her hair up into a ponytail. Her hair is pretty too...No, stop it! What are you doing, dude!? Get your head in the game! No pun intended.

"You know, I'm actually kind of bummed we don't have any competition here." I said, voicing my thoughts from earlier to shift my focus.  Megan raised her eyebrows, but didn't comment. Not only was I trying to focus on the task at hand rather than get distracted by Megan, as I often did, I was also trying to boost Nini's confidence. That's why she didn't want to dress up, and wanted to wear her Good-luck sweatshirt. She's nervous. "It would make getting the leads all the sweeter."

"Would you stop tempting fate?" Nini asked, smacking my arm. I smiled at her, and when she glanced down at her lap, I glanced at Megan again, who had turned back to her stuff, disinterested. She always seemed disinterested in me, if not incredibly uncomfortable and it always kind of makes me a little sad...and confused. "You know what, you're right. Whatever." I put a hand on her face  when there was a knock at the door. We all turned to see Miss Jenn.

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