Chapter Eleven

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"YOU'RE WATCHING THE 'S NEWS' SALVATION SPECIAL WITH YOUR HOST, DOMINIQUE: 'Humanity is saved! Yes, my loves we have official confirmation that President Abaddon has saved the human race. In an S News exclusive, we confirmed today that Abaddon Aeronautics has discovered the technology to make mass space travel possible. President Abaddon declared the EDEN program reinstated and efforts are already underway to clean and prepare the thousands of space shuttles created from the original mission. In a statement exclusive to S News, President Abaddon said 'In the face of overwhelming odds, I never gave up hope, I worked tirelessly to save humanity and today we can now all celebrate my glorious victory. Paradise awaits'."

Gabe stood motionless in his living room, transfixed by the television, unable to fully process what he just heard. Around him Tiffany bounced and screamed across the room, animated in joy, weeping her relief to whomever was on the other end of the phone.

Yet Gabe remained transfixed; transfixed on Dominique and his fluorescent orange silk shirt presenting scenes of unbridled jubilation across the remaining world, in neat thirty second segments. Returning back to his studio guests, they continued their gushing appraisal of Abaddon as the camera rolled over stock footage of the President looking heroic; or kissing a baby; or planting a tree with his family, all under the heading 'Humanity's Savior'.

In Gabe's peripheral he could see Tiffany become even more animated.

'Gabe! Are you even listening to me? Don't you see, this is the second chance we never thought we'd get, after you threw it all away because of your brother. If it wasn't for you, we would already be out there, starting a new life, but instead you left us here to die. You owe me this, Gabe,' she said grabbing his face, he could feel her acrylic nails pinch against his cheeks.

'They've reinstated EDEN and officers, especially pilots, on the corporate shuttles are going to be treated like royalty. Them and their partners will have luxury first class travel to the next world, we'll be important and respected and get access to all the best bars and restaurants on the fleet, and the Officers Club. Gabe, oh you should see it!' She twirled around the room in her imaginary ball gown.

'This was the life you promised me, Gabe. You were the best pilot they had, so go back to EDEN, become an officer and get me that life.'

Gabe stared back at the Television as Tiffany continued to talk at him as she danced out of the room, but Gabe's mind was elsewhere. Dominique was still laughing with his guests and they showed ten year old footage of the original EDEN program, something Gabe had hoped he'd never have to think about again.

EDEN began as most terrible ideas do, out of fear and panic. The fear of telling everyone they are going to die and the panic they were also going to be blamed. So, when those in power sat around a suitably serious table and realised they had to tell everyone that the world was officially ending, they suspected that the vast proportion of the potentially bloodthirsty hordes gathered outside their door might also enquire as to whether they had a sophisticated, well thought through, miracle of a plan that would save each and every one of them, including their pets.

Unfortunately, despite sitting around the most suitably serious table available, with their most suitably serious advisors, generals, leading scientists and Doris, the nice lady who makes the tea, they quickly realised that a sophisticated, well thought through miracle of a plan didn't exist.

After a suitably serious period of abject panic, they deemed it important to, at the very least, offer them something showy and marketable, something noble and catchy, something the planet could pin its hopes on and make them sleep a little better at night, regardless of how unworkable or poorly conceived that something was, no matter how miniscule the chance of it actually working, they just needed a something.

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