Chapter Forty-Six

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Even a dust storm of burnt orange sand, kicked up by the Archangel's landing couldn't disguise the threatening menace of Susan's welcoming party.

'Better let me do the talking,' said Pembo as they opened the ramp and stepped out into the harsh sunlight.

Kali pushed through the armed guard and raced into Pembo's arms.

'I honestly thought that was it for you,' she said squeezing her tightly. 'Now you have to make her call an evacuation, we're not safe here anymore.'

'Susan marched forward, the twin sunlight reflecting off her newly forged silver crown: delicate and shimmering atop her stony face.

'I speak for everyone here when I express my heartfelt delight at your safe return.'

Pembo looked beyond the armed wall to a gathering crowd of nervous onlookers.

'I am only here because of these brave Champions,' she said in a raised voice loud enough for all to hear. 'They risked everything to save me and even destroyed two Military Tanks to return me safely home. They should be rewarded. They..'

'They are nothing more than traitors and pirates, who disobeyed my direct order.'

'Yes!' fist pumped Jaibles before offering Wildcard a high five. She stared back at him incredulously.

'GUARDS, take them to the cells where they shall await trial.'

The troop of guards surrounded Gabe, Jaibles, Monkey and Wildcard and corralled them into the darkness of the caves.

'You can't do this, Susan, it's not right,' yelled Pembo following her and the crowd of onlookers back down the tunnel. As the amber dust settled back onto the soil of the fragrant planet, there was no one left to hear the gentle lake lapping rhythmically against the bank, just as there was no one present to notice two figures, dressed in black, sneaking into the shadows of the cave that was once the secret location of Justice for Earth.

The cell was cold and damp. A solitary candle burned modestly in front of the steel cage that trapped them, so Gabe could only partially see the look of contempt Wildcard was burning into Jaibles.

'What in the name of fresh Hell are you talking about?'

'The sweet moistness,' repeated Jaibles. 'You know, the sweet, tender love between a man and anything convenient: the carnal dalliance; hot buttery coitus.'

'Yeah, I heard you, but, and I'll repeat myself to avoid any confusion: what in the name of fresh Hell are you talking about?'

'I'm talking about Sheer Heart Attack being officially the best album to make love to. Freddie knew what he was doing - he tapped into the overwhelming desire of man to feel heroic as he gave his conquest the old 'Hot shoe shuffle', the old 'Ploughman's lunch', the old 'Captain Squelches' midnight jamboree'.'

'I'm going to kill him and leave him in a ditch,' said Wildcard to Monkey, who shrugged sympathetically.

'Coincidently, that was the name of my first punk band at college.' interrupted Jaibles hitting his stride.

'Listen Wildcard, ya just not getting it.' 'Now I'm here;' 'Flick of the wrist;' 'Stone cold crazy,' he knew every red-blooded man wants to feel heroic as he's going through the gears. Wants to be standing atop that snowy mountain peak with infinity stretched out before him; thunder and lightning in the skies; wearing nothing but a bear-skin loincloth with his mighty weapon in one hand, five dead dragons behind him and Little Mix cradled at his feet, wearing nothing but a coy smile.'

He stood for a moment in silence, staring into the middle distance, his arm raised aloft, wielding an imaginary sword and his legs spread far too heroically for anyone's liking, as if this somehow cemented his point.

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