Chapter Twenty-Four

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Susan felt the car slow to a stop as the engine was cut. From beneath the felt black bag they'd placed over her head, she'd been unable to keep track of how long she'd been travelling for or in which direction. Quite frankly it all seemed rather unnecessary.

When the bag was eventually pulled, she found herself in an underground carpark. Kali opened her door and beckoned her to follow as she made her way towards the fire escape.

While she had been trying to save humanities soul, Pembo and her team had been busy finalising their plans to bring justice to earth through the assassination of Buzz Abaddon.

As momentum for Alan grew, she tried time and time again to press upon them that something much greater was at stake, how this measure was too extreme, how it was much easier to tell a child what to do than to teach it the value of right and wrong, but they just looked at her with pity and confusion.

Pembo greeted Susan as she entered the basement that acted as their headquarters, it was a hive of activity as they poured through every last detail, Susan was immediately drawn to the furthest wall that was scattered with maps, blueprints and surveillance photos of Abaddon, his staff, of Susan.

'No detail is overlooked,' said Pembo with a smile. 'Come, let me introduce you to everyone.'

'That's really not necessary,' hesitated Susan.

'This is my little sister.'

As she bounded up to Susan, she could tell immediately they were related, the similarities were striking.

'They call me Wildcard,' she winked.

'No one calls you Wildcard,' said Pembo wearily.

'They will,' said Wildcard.

'She's successfully created new identities and secured the teams place on different civilian shuttles for the evacuation, so that when we disband Justice for Earth and destroy all evidence of what we're doing here, there will be nothing linking us to this should something happen.'

Susan nodded.

'Over there you have JJ, he's our weapons expert, he's ensured the gun we use can be broken down, disposed of and is completely untraceable.'

He nodded silently, Susan, captivated by his piercing blue eyes, nodded hopelessly back.

'And lastly Captain Bingram.'

Bingram waved back, wide-eyed and rosy cheeked, then continued to wave at Susan far longer than was necessary.

'Don't worry about him,' said Pembo, 'he'll be our getaway pilot, adept at getting us wherever we need to be.'

Susan glanced back over at Bingram who was still waving.

'I will be carrying out this mission, Kali will join me as back-up, so should anything happen it's us who will take the fall. I just want you to know you are totally safe.'

Susan took a deep breath.

'The plan is simple and relatively risk free,' assured Pembo, 'with your information we plan to lay in wait, catch him when he is alone and be back on the plane by the time he is discovered. Whatever outrage, whatever loyalty his people have for him, they're not going to cancel the evacuation at the risk of all their lives.'

Pembo took a seat as Susan started to pace.

'Humanity will go on without him and the next world will be a safer place because of it, so the only remaining piece of this puzzle is Abaddon's location.'

'Yes,' said Susan softly.

'Susan, this was something we needed weeks ago, so you better have it for us now.'

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