Chapter Eighteen

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Candlelight flickered deviously across the walls of the cavernous anti chamber as Susan, submerged deep within an underground cave, breathed in the warm wet air and did her best to get the crowd under control.

Blinking through the singular spotlight, she took a long drink of water from behind the podium, she was well into the second hour of her speech and they were right where she wanted them.

'JUSTICE, JUSTICE, JUSTICE,' they chanted.

'Thank you, thank you, please settle down,'

Susan wiped the sweat and wet hair from her forehead as another wave of body heat generated from the thousand people in attendance consumed her - the smell of damp cave and sweat penetrated everything.

Alan swooped above the masses urging her to continue.

'I'd like to end, if I may, with a story that was told to me by our one true Creator.'

'JUSTICE, JUSTICE, JUSTICE,' the crowd bayed.

'There were once two accountants working at the same firm who went for the same promotion. They were each equal in every way and both had equally loving partners, who cared for them, loved them and just did nice little things for them from time to time - like create oxygen and an intricate respiratory system so you can breathe.'

The chanting died down to a low, confused murmur.

'One accountant would go home each night and cook their partner a delicious meal, rub their feet and worship them with blood sacrifices. The other accountant just walked around like they owned the place, never giving one solitary bean for all the hard work and sacrifice their partner made, as if the Heaven and Earth just made itself - they didn't even offer to clean up afterwards.'


'Finally, when judgement was passed at work, the worshipful accountant was showered with riches and a nice corner office, possibly with membership to a nice gym and spa with big fluffy towels to relax with after work. The selfish accountant died painfully of syphilis. Amen.'

A single cough broke the silence.

'And, um, that's why we will never rest until Abaddon is behind bars and there is JUSTICE FOR EARTH!'

The crowd erupted in cheer.

'Thank you, please also give offerings in the name of Alan, thank you, thank you!'


Susan left the stage to rapturous applause, saluting the baying crowd as she disappeared from their sight.

She took a moment to catch her breath as Kali handed her a towel and cold bottle of water.

'That felt like it went well,' said Susan. 'I always liked Germany.'

'We're in Belarus,' said Kali wearily.

'Oh my,' said Susan

'Then tomorrow it's Lithuania, then Latvia and Estonia before we head over to Finland and start the Scandinavian part of the tour.'

'Oh my,' said Susan exhausted.

Since meeting Pembo it had all been a bit of a whirlwind. She had accepted her offer with absolutely no idea on how she could deliver on her promise, but Susan had fully committed to the responsibility of being Alan's apostle and saving humanity, so she accepted that wouldn't be without it's challenges.

Naturally, Justice for Earth wanted proof that she could deliver, so she bought herself a couple of days grace and rushed home to Alan.

'He did what?' Squawked Alan.

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