Chapter Fifty-Two

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Pembo sat in helpless silence, transfixed to the endless ballet of futile destruction dancing out its mournful choreography, as Kali's parting words now resonated with a new found sharpness. Envious of her foresight, she forced her head away from the carnage and out towards the peaceful serenity of infinity, picturing her aboard the Henbury, starting her new life, surrounded by those who loved her as they ventured out into the wild parts unknown.

'She was right,' she whispered to no one.

Her soft voice woke Gabe from his own melancholy. 'Hmm?' he replied, absently.

'Kali: she came to me before the negotiations to tell me she was leaving. She'd found someone who loved her and just walked away from it all to be happy. It just made me realise how much I've lost in the pursuit of revenge,' she said quietly, 'I could have done so much more. Monkey was right - only life can heal.'

Monkey's words were haunting Gabe deeply too, with each truth opening a deeper hole of guilt and sadness for him to climb into, undeserving of ever seeing sunlight again. They had given up everything for him, and in return all he gave was a selfish quest for revenge - a mask to hide his guilt for Nate. He could never take back what had happened, but he could now keep them safe from all this madness and finally see the treasure in front of him.

'Then let's go,' he said, watching another Civilian Mothership carrying in excess of 100 thousand passengers careen into the side of an EDEN tank, destroying both the tank and itself in the process.

'Only Susan can stop this, and there is only one way to stop Susan now.'

'We can't. Please, no more killing.'

'Then let's go,' he repeated, facing her and running his thumb across her smooth, soft cheek as hopeless tears fell. 'We've spent our lives chasing ghosts, now it's time for us to look forward.'

Her bright eyes glistened with hopeful affection, and in them he saw all his future happiness; an endless adventure into the unknown that would last them a lifetime. Treasure immeasurable.

'Okay,' she smiled, 'but there's something I need to do first.'

Susan sat motionless in her War Room, her Generals buzzing frantically around her. Her eyes transfixed on the craft cowering on the perimeter, guarded by EDEN Military Tanks engaged in open warfare. She was now blind to the destruction; blind to the staggering loss of life and blind to the hopelessness of the cause - all she could see was that one small craft in the distance and the man cowering inside it. What price the mortal soul?

'Your Majesty,' said a General, approaching her throne of black steel.

'What is it,' she replied, never taking her eyes off Abaddon's shuttle.

'There is a communication going out across your Justice for Earth frequency, we believe it's Miss Pembo.'

'Let me hear,' she said curtly, marching over to the ComsLink.

Static crackled the signal, caused by the endless ripple of explosions, but Susan heard her voice loud and clear as a rage gathered within. 'My dear friends, I can no longer be a part of this. When I started Justice for Earth, I wanted to free us by ridding the world of Abaddon, but I realise now, that would have accomplished nothing, for people like Abaddon have existed since the dawn of time. They never die, they are only replaced.'

Susan's Generals took half a step back as she gripped her golden Birdcage sceptre tighter. The rage of betrayal burned brightly.

'So, I hereby disband what I started and release you all. If you wish to join Susan's cause you are free to do so, but not under the banner of Justice, because the only way to truly get justice for Earth is to build a better one together. That is what we will be doing: turning our back on this march towards extinction to find a new Earth, for better or worse. We hope you will join us as...'

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