Chapter 1

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Ashley's POV

Neither of us said a word as we got off the plane. We had finally landed after hours of flying and me being bored to death. I decided to break the silence between us and find out where we were. I knew we we're in another country, miles away from Luca and the trouble I had caused but I didn't know where.

"Dreydon where are we?" I asked wanting him to say something, anything since he hadn't spoken a word since before we left. We had gone at it like wild animals and even I had to admit it was the best sex of my life, but now he wouldn't even speak to me and it was starting to get on my nerves.

"We're in Spain" he said emotionless. I rolled my eyes even though I knew I couldn't blame him for the way he was acting. I wasn't exacly mate of the year but I wasn't about to pretend like I cared. If he didn't want to talk I was fine with that. He may have taken me with him and basically saved me since I'm sure I committed treason but I didn't owe him anything.

He got his bags down and I stared at my nails waiting for him to get mine. When he didn't I cleared me throat and looked up trying to give him a hit. I gasped and stared in belief when he just made his way to the exit.

"Wait. Aren't you going to get my bags?" I said outraged with my hand on my hip. I knew he didn't expect me to carry them and possibly ruin my manicure. He gave me a once over before his gaze met mine and he spoke.

"You've got two arms and two legs, get them yourself" my jaw dropped and I stomped my foot. No one talked to me that way. To make matters worse he just walked away.

I huffed annoyed and was about to grab them when a cute guy walked past.

"Hey could you be a sweetheart and help me get my bags. I could really use the help of a strong man. A girl only possesses so much strength" I said flirtaciously batting my eyelids and slightly running my chest against his shoulder.

"Of course. I'd be glad to help" he said with a smirk staring at my breast. He wanted me and who could blame him. He grabbed my bags and I watched his muscles flex. He didn't have a thing on Dreydon but he was still eye candy. I led the way and he followed watching my ass no doubt. I put an extra sway in my hips just to tease him. This should teach Dreydon a lesson, I always get what I want.

Dreydon's POV

I was finally back to where I could get a peace of mind without wanting to commit a murder. Now that I had Ashley with me I could breathe. It was hell watching here nearly get herself killed trying to mate with someone else, but I was no stranger to pain and it would take more than that to break me.

Now I was back where I belonged I could see what she was all about. I knew she was a slut by the scents all over her and the way she fucked me like an old pro but there had to be more to her and I wanted to discover it. There was a reason why I didn't mark her, making our bond complete. First she needed to show me that she could change, that she could be different. I had to know she would stop fucking every man she saw before I committed to her. I had to know she would make a good mother to our children and be able to see a future for us that didn't look like hell on earth. I wasn't a saint, I had my share of women and if I was being honest I couldn't promise that I would give up my lifestyle especially if she wasn't planning to. I was willing to try but she had to try too.

I stood outside waiting for her after flat out telling her I wouldn't carry her bags. She needed to learn that I wasn't another one of her boy toys who would fall at her feet. The sooner she learned that lesson the better. She was about to get a wake up call with me and her acting like a bitch would only get her put her place.

I lit a ciggarette and inhaled holding in the smoke in for a while loving the taste of the nicotine. I craved it like I craved the feeling I got being between a females legs, it was a high that I needed constantly to keep me sane.

I heard her heels and smelt her as she got closer. The way she walked was hypnotizkmg but that wasn't what caught my attention. She didn't have bags in her hands and I knew the pink bags the guy behind her was holding didn't belong to him. To say I was pissed would be highly inaacurate since I was far beyond pissed. Not only did she disobey but the guy was smirking like he won a grand prize, my prize. I threw my cigarrete to the ground and calmly walked to meet them as I thought of all the ways to let this guy meet his maker. Ashley looked like she was about to say something but she didn't get the chance before I punched the guys lights out and he lay flay on his back. The blood pouring from his mouth gave me a thrill and it was my turn to smirk.

A/N: Hi guys this the first chapter of the sequel please let me know what you think. The next chapter should be up soon so please stay tuned.

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