Chapter 1 - Kris

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Tuesday, Sept. 17 after leaving the Dark World

Kris reluctantly woke up to his mom yelling at him from downstairs.

Kris POV

"Kris! Sweetie get up or you'll be late for school!"

I groaned. "Do I have to? I'm so tired."

"I'm sorry honey, but your education is very important to us both, you can't just skip. Now get ready and come downstairs."

Well, I tried. I slowly got out of bed to the smell of pie.

"Yeah that's a good enough reason to get up." I thought.

I didn't have time to get ready at all. I jumped into my used clothes from yesterday, which smelled awful, and hurried out of my room.

I got to the stairs to see Toriel waiting for me. "Kris, I've baked you a butterscotch pie. Take a few bites so we can get going. You're going to be late for class!"

"Okay mom."

I rush downstairs as fast as I could.

"Kris! Don't run down the staircase!"

I sighed as I shoved some pie in my mouth and ran to the front door, grabbing my shoes. As I ran to the car I saw Toriel waiting to take me to school. I hopped into her car and started putting on my shoes. As we drove to school, I looked out the car window watching the houses go by. What a weird day I had yesterday. Wonder if Susie is coming to school today... hopefully. I do not feel like going to school at all.

"Are you alright? You look exhausted."

I nodded, then Toriel smiled. I looked at all of the trees outside of the window. The leaves are falling... it's almost Christmas. Can't wait for that long break off of school. Toriel giggled while parking her van in the lot.

"You better be ready for class dear. I believe you have a test coming up. Make sure to pay attention."

"Yeah, I will."

When we got out of the car, mom took me inside the school. She then hugged me goodbye.

"Have fun at school, Kris. Next time, don't forget to set your alarm! I love you."

"Yeah. I love you too mom."

Unfamiliar Feelings (Krusie) OngoingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora