Chapter 39

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Monday, October 8th. Noelle's house.

"Hey. Kris!"

"Oh. Oh god, What?" Kris caught himself about to roll off the stairs.

"Nightmare again?"

Kris scratched his head. "No. No, I didn't dream at all. I don't think I did."

"Hm. Weird. You were moving around a lot."

"Guess I just don't remember."

"I guess so." Susie put her hands in her lap. "You sure you're okay?"

"I'm great. Don't worry about me." Kris looked out of the window. "How long was I asleep? Sun's coming up."

"Um. Maybe 30 minutes. Not that long." 

Kris yawned and stretched hard. "Is everyone okay?"

"Yeah. They're doing just fine." Susie looked outside. "I saw Undyne earlier. She was arresting some of the bad dudes, and I haven't seen her since. She's probably at the police station."

"Glad to know that she's okay."

"Yeah. We're all okay." Susie laid back and sighed. "Do you think we could go back home?"

"I don't know if it'll be safe. I'm sure we could just wait this out anyway."

"Yeah. I wonder if someone will come by and gives us the heads up."

"I'm sure they will." Kris smiled and attempted to go back to sleep.

Susie smiled back and shook her head. She looked at Kris laying down on one of the steps. It seemed like he already fell back asleep. Susie looked back out the window. I wonder if things will go back to the way they were. I hope everyone gets arrested. She looked back at Kris. Including my dad. Susie looked at the bruise and slight cut on his face. She reached out and caressed his face. 

"What... are you doing?"

"Oh, thought you were asleep. Sorry."

"Don't be." He chuckled. "It's okay."

"Heh. Okay." Undyne saw something move outside. "Kris. It's Undyne."

"She's here?"





Susie got up and walked towards the door. She slowly opened it and Undyne rushed in. 


"Yeah. That's me." 

"Are you guys okay? I saw the guards knocked out!"

"Yeah. We're okay."

"I went to your house. I was surprised I didn't see you, so I came down here. Is everyone okay?"

Susie turned around. "Um not really. They're fine, but they were attacked." She smirked and pointed at Kris. "But he scared him off."

"Really? That's crazy! Good job."

Kris's smile quickly turned into a frown. "We accidentally let them escape though."

Undyne started walking down the hall. "No worries. You did all you could, we'll find them eventually."


Kris heard Susie in her soft and tired voice. "Hey, Kris." Kris turned around. "Come back."

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