Chapter 17

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Kris plopped on his bed. He was too full from dinner to move. He yawned. Kris was kind of in the mood to play Super Smashing Fighters, but he didn't have anyone to play with. He looked over to Asriel's bed. Man, I kinda miss Susie already. He looked up at the ceiling. Wonder if she's okay. Kris pulled his phone out of his pocket. She found Susie's contact and sent her a message.

"Hey you ok?"

He got ready to wait but got a reply almost immediately.

"Hey Kris I'm good."

Kris smiled as a wave of relief flowed through him. Susie began texting before Kris could start his message.


"I'm just laying in my bed wbu"

"Same. I'm waiting for the cops to take me to wherever I have to stay"

"Where's that"

"I dunno. Guess ill find out. How r u"

"I'm alright. Bored af." Kris stared at the screen. "I miss you."

"Ha what that's so weird! it's been a couple hours lol" Susie paused after sending the message. "I miss you too tho."

"Yea thanks Suze"

Susie felt that she came off a little rude. "No prob. Sorry if it seemed mean. You know I like it."

"Like what?"

"You. The way you are"

"Oh well thanks I guess lol"

Susie wanted to add onto what she said, but just decided to change the subject. "Brb I'm gonna brush my teeth and get ready"

"Make sure to brush every single one of the million of teeth u have"

"Lmao okay nerd."

Kris put his phone back down. He stretched and got comfortable in his covers. I wonder if she's going to be at school tomorrow. Kris went ahead and picked his phone back up and texted her. He waited around 5 minutes, still no response. "Hm." Must be busy. Kris put his phone back down and rolled over. Throughout the night he had trouble trying to fall asleep. He felt pain in his gut, but he didn't know what. He thought it was something he ate. He tossed and turned and rolled over multiple times just to get comfortable, until he received a text. He sat up and checked his phone, trying to adjust his eyes so he could see the screen.

"Sorry I didn't respond earlier I'm at my temporary home. No, I wont be. I'm gonna assume you aren't up so goodnight"

Kris started typing. "I'm up. How is it?"

"It's meh. What are you doing up it's past 12. Go to bed"

"I can stay up as long as I want. I'll be fine"

"Haha yeah suree blue boy. Go to sleep you have school tomorrow, I don't want you to doze off in class again."

"Fiiine dangg. When did you become my mom?"

"Just sleep! It's almost 1 in the morning"

"I am mother."

"Haha good. Goodnight Kris"

"Goodnight Susie"

Susie smirked and put her phone down on charge. She saw a text pop up from Alexis.

"Oh just do it. It'll be fine. Anything goes wrong, he's still your friend."

Susie turned over and got comfortable. She was way too tired to respond, especially after such a long day. She yawned and drifted into sleep.

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