Chapter 5

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[Graphic Content Warning]

Everything was blank. Just a thick gray foggy color surrounding her. Susie was confused, even a bit frightened, so she called out into the forever going distance. "Hello? Kris? Ralsei? Hellooo?" She started down a straight path to hopefully find SOMETHING. "Anyone out there?" She called out again. Nothing seemed familiar to her at all. It was just a vast, and empty grayscale landscape. Everything's getting darker, Susie thought to herself. She felt so lost all of a sudden, and started calling out for Kris. As she called his name she turned around and saw him just standing there, looking up towards something she couldn't see. The sight of a familiar face gave her a relaxing and happy vibe. "Kris? Is that you?" He didn't move. "Hey, Kris. You messing with me?" She was slowly getting an eerie feeling crawl up her spine. "This isn't funn-" Kris quickly looked behind himself, then started running from a shadowy figure. It was too fast for him and leaped on him, pushing him down to the ground. "Kris!" Susie yelled. She couldn't do anything. Only see what was happening in front of her eyes. All of a sudden the happy feeling was a huge weight of dread. She didn't know what she could do, but scream his name over and over. The creature looked back at Susie. It was the one from before. It just stared at her, then got up off of Kris and ran off, leaving Kris's floating human soul. It was snapped in half, then disappeared out into the gray, vast space. Susie froze. She felt a huge wave of guilt go over her. She couldn't think properly. 

She wanted to cry, then suddenly walls were starting to form out of nowhere. Where was she now? It seemed familiar... a bunch of musty brown walls. The floor was a mess, bottles everywhere, leftover food wasted on the table and the couch. Was it her house? She heard a familiar voice from behind that she despised. "Well, well. Look who tried to get away without cleaning up around the house like I told you too. Why didn't you do it huh? What are you dumb?" Susie didn't even turn to look back at him. She was frozen. "Answer me you stupid bitch! Do you want to get hurt?" She was still silent. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain as something hit her leg with extreme force. She fell down to the ground and started to tear up. "No dinner for you for the next three days kid." Susie barely understood what was going on, it was all so blurry and painful. She wanted to see her mom again, but she wasn't here. She felt the figure lean down from above her and it whispered, "A weak little girl like you couldn't even save that freak of a human." Susie couldn't bear hearing that. She burst out sobbing. "Please, just stop." She begged. "I've already given you enough free chances, talk back and you're gonna have a hard time trying to get upstairs on your own when I'm done with ya." Susie winced at that. She just wanted to see Kris. She just wanted to see her mom. "I-I'm sorry dad. Please just let me clean up." 

"What was that? You're gonna have to speak up."

"I-I-I'm sorry."

"Speak up, bitch. What did you say?"

"Please.. I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry!
  I'm sorry!
  I'm sorry!" 

"Susie!" Someone yelled.

Susie awoke instantly to see Kris right her arms, as she was squeezing him way too tight. She jumped up and pushed him away. "What the hell Kris?! What are you... oh. Umm..." Kris interrupted, "Susie are you okay? What were you saying sorry for?" Susie just sat there. 

"Uh... nothing. I'm okay." 

Kris asked again. "Susie are you okay?"

"It's personal." 

"Well okay... we are talking about this later. Whether you like it or not."


"Because. We are friends, aren't we? That's what friends do. And you freaked me out, not gonna lie."

Susie just sat there thinking to herself. "Yeah... Alright. Thanks." 

They both sat in silence for a while. 

Kris eventually broke it, "Hey thanks for keeping me warm. It's way too cold for me out here, I wouldn't survive. I don't know how you do it."

"Oh. Yeah no problem." Susie awkwardly replied. "Hey where's Ralsei? Shouldn't he be back by now?" 

"Yeah. I don't know. We should start heading to Lancer's castle so we can get back home before school is out. Should we wait for Ralsei?" Kris asked. 

"Nah. I don't want to be late. Let's get going, Kris. At least it's not as cold as before." 

Kris nodded. He got up and winced from his injury, although it wasn't that bad as it was before. Susie noticed, "You sure you're good? We could always just take a break for while." 

"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks. Let's go before it gets cold again." Kris then led the way to the castle, and Susie followed. 

Susie POV

The walk to the castle was very different from last time. Why was no one around? Maybe they were at Lancer's castle. I mean, I'm sure the guy wasn't that bad to be around anymore. As long as I make it home on time I'll be okay I guess. 

They walked in silence for what felt like 10 minutes.

Hmm. I wonder how Kris is holding up. "Hey Kris. Feelin' better?" "Yeah most of the aching is gone. As for the cut, I'm sure it'll be fine." "Heh. Sweet." At least he used his words this time. It's nice he's feeling better now. I smiled at that thought. Wonder why this dork is so fun to be around. 

This forest looks like its dying. The pink trees are less of a hot color, now it's just... lifeless. The lack of seeing any form of monsters, or whatever these card creatures were, already screams eerie. But now the plants? Something is very wrong. Everything just seems gray and dead. It wasn't like this yesterday... Maybe Kris and I could help, but not now. Maybe later this week. I dunno how we are gonna keep skipping to be here during school. One day some dumbass will report us, thinking we're doing weird shit in the closet or something. Just in view was the Card Castle. Bout time we got here. "I hope this place is more lively than out here." I said jokingly, even though I was totally serious because it was bothering me. Kris let out a chuckle. "Yeah." He said. "C'mon Susie I'm ready to go home."

Unfamiliar Feelings (Krusie) Ongoingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن