Chapter 25

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Thursday, Oct. 4th, Kris's bedroom.

"Not... enough."


"The power... is not enough."

Kris sat up. He looked to Susie. She was dangled in the covers, snoring away.

"I can't reach it."

"What the fuck?" Kris looked all over the room frantically. Either I'm dreaming, or my mom's watching some Sci-fi horror. He rubbed his eyes. So either way, it's a dream.

"Barriers... soul... I can't..."

Kris pinched his arm. "What the hell??"

"Mmh. Kris?" Susie turned around, but didn't open her eyes. "Kris? Are you okaaay?" Susie asked while stretching.

"Oh. Yeah, sorry. Don't worry about it."

Susie snored.

Kris looked at the floor. "Kay." He got up and walked towards the door and slowly opened it. He didn't want to be too loud, especially with his creaky door. Kris stumbled through the halls, and finally made his way downstairs to the bathroom. He felt his forehead. It didn't seem that warm, and if anything he felt a little cold. It was hard to tell. He closed the door and looked at himself in the mirror. "Why do I feel so fucking dead??" Kris splashed his face with water. "Ugh." He wiped his face. "Why. Why. Why. I can't get sick before the dance, I can't have it ruin anything." He sighed. "Ugh. I need sleep." Kris walked over and opened the door. "AUGghhohh oh my God. Why, Susie?"

She snorted. "Heyy. You okay?" She was extremely spaced out and kept rubbing her eyes. "I wanted to check up on you."

"Oh, Thanks. I don't really know. Don't worry about it."

"C'monn Kriss." She put her arm on him. "Let's go to bed."

Kris laughed. "You sound drunk."

"Trust me. You'd know when I am."

"Alright. Can't wait to find out."


"Thanks for checking up on me."

"Yeah of course. Let's go to bed."

Kris hopped into bed and got comfortable, as he watched Susie slump into hers. She was struggling to get in the covers and instantly jumped out of bed.

"I know something that might help you sleep."


Susie pulled out her phone and turned her volume down. "Musiiiic." She put her phone on the table. "Just white noise. Hope it helps, cause it definitely helps me."

"Thanks, Susie. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Blue Boy."

"I feel blue."

"Noo. Don't be sad."

"I'm not, I'm not. I'll be fine."

"Better be. Heheh... we got a dance soon. Sleep well, Kris."

"You too. I will be."

"Good." Susie stretched and let out a weird yawn. She mumbled something, then got comfortable on her bed. She didn't even bother getting under the blanket.

Friday, Oct. 5th.



Unfamiliar Feelings (Krusie) OngoingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora