Chapter 49

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Kris started picking at his eraser. He swiveled it around on his desk and stared at his almost fully completed assignment. He had only a couple of questions left but wasn't motivated enough to do them. 


He looked to his side and widened his eyes. 

"What did you get for question 17?" Susie whispered.

Kris looked up at Ms. Alphys. She giggled at something on her screen. She then clicked on something and got up to refill her coffee. Alphys told the class she'd be back in a minute, so Kris decided to hand her his worksheet. 


He smiled and nodded, then put his head down. He rolled his head to see what was on the walls. He saw some of the projects they did a while back. Man, why does she have to display this stuff as if we care? He sat up and leaned back in his chair. He was just about to fiddle with his pencil again, but then he saw Alphys on the other side of the door. "Susie."

"Huh? Oh." She quickly slammed the paper down on Kris's desk. "I got it all, thanks."

The door swung open, and Alphys got to her seat. She pressed play on whatever she was watching and started to get all giggly again. Kris laid his head back down and he tried to think about something so he wouldn't be bored. He turned his head to Susie, who was frantically trying to figure out the answers to some questions. Guess she didn't get it all. She kind of looked cute to him. He really liked the fact that she was trying so hard, even though he also felt bad for not being able to help.

Suddenly, she put the pencil down and sighed relief. Kris read a thank god from her lips. He continued to wait until the bell. He checked the clock. Three more minutes, he thought. Kris began squeezing his pencil. He really wanted to talk to Susie, but for whatever reason, they weren't allowed to speak until class ended. Alphys was treating this like some sort of quiz.


Kris slowly got himself up and he stretched every part of him that he could. He looked over to see Susie come take his assignment with hers to the front. "Oh, thanks. I could have done it myself."

"Well, too late." She smiled and shrugged, bringing the papers to the front.

Kris followed her out the door. "So, I guess I'll see you after school," he said.

"Yeah. Just try not to fall asleep in class." Susie put on a purposely fake smile.

"I'll try my best." Before he walked away from her he turned back. "Hey. What if we skipped?"

"Ha. Kris, no. I need to actually get my work done." She snickered. "I really like the thought, maybe another time. Bye-bye."

"Alright, bye." Kris waved to her and left.

Susie ran her fingers through her hair and walked into her art and sciences class. She sat down next to Noelle, who was intently waiting for her. "Uh, hi."

"Hey, so I was thinking about something."

"What's that?"

"I want to reschedule my party."

"Oh, please don't make it too far from now."

"No, no. I want it to be today!" Noelle was super excited to tell Susie that she was practically shaking.

"Alright, alright you can calm down." She snickered. "I didn't realize you wanted it to be today. Do we have time?"

"Yes. I just finished telling everyone. I went ahead and got all of my decorations ready. I'll set them up later if you want to help. Catti's going to... although I don't know where she is right now."

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