Chapter 50 - The Party

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Kris's legs were swinging back and forth. He sat on the couch just waiting to receive a text from Susie. Without hesitation, he jumped up and went to the restroom to brush his teeth. Afterward, he splashed his face with water, fixed his hair, and went to find some good clothes to wear. He just settled for a green sweater his mother made him when he was younger. Toriel purposely made it big so he could grow into it. He swapped his shirt for it, and to his surprise, it fit perfectly. It was a sweater with pretty thick cotton weaves, so it was cozy and extremely breathable.

He went back downstairs and jumped onto the couch. Kris checked his phone every couple of minutes to see when he was leaving, when the thought occurred to him. He never asked his mom if he could go. He stood up.

"No... did I?" Kris rubbed his eyes. "I don't remember. Well... I never told her it was going to be earlier either." He said out loud to himself. He pulled out his phone and texted his mom. Kris asked if he could go to the party, but got no response. He sat back down on the couch. He waited and waited for some kind of reply, but got nothing. He also waited for a reply from Susie but wasn't getting any either. Kris stood up to go get a drink of water and make sure he looked okay for the party. He didn't really know why he did because it was a casual party, but it doesn't hurt to look your best. 

Kris was about to sit down on the couch, when his phone buzzed. He pulled it out and saw Susie texted him. 

You can come now if you want.

Kris told Susie he was just now leaving and put his phone back in his pocket. He ran out the door and down the street. He could see Noelle's house in the background and all of the lights inside. 

Buzz Buzz

Kris took out his phone. "Shit." He answered it. "Hey, mom."

"Kris, I can't be home for two days! Why do you think I could trust you at a party?"

"It's Noelle. She's really nice."

"Kris. I know her parent's aren't home."

"Well, her body guards are. C'mon, its my birthday."

After a while, his mom finally responded. "Fine. Just make sure to be safe. Don't do anything I wouldn't want you to do!"

"Okay, mom."

"I love you, Kris! Have fun."

"Thanks, I love you too." Kris hung up the phone and approached the gate. It immediately opened in front of him, so he ran up to the door and opened it. 

"Happy birthday, Kris!"

"Oh, ha. Thanks, guys." All Kris could see were blinding lights of all different colors. "Whoa. That's a lot of effort." 

"Yeah, well... it was worth it, I think." Noelle jumped into the air and screamed, "LET'S PARTY!!!"

Kris laughed. "Wow."

Susie stepped out from the crowd. "Hey, want to grab a drink?"

"Ha, sure." Kris followed her down into the main room. He remembered the song that was playing, it was one Susie showed him a month ago. "There are so many lights... and people. It's crazy."

"I know. It's crazy. I never would have thought Noelle would... act like this."

"To be honest, I think something's up." 

"Nahhh." Susie smirked. "She's probably just opened up, or something. Anyway, let's relax. C'mon, have a drink. The left bowl is normal, the other is alcohol."

"Ew. That's gross." Kris poured himself punch from the left bowl. 

"Suit yourself." Susie gave herself some from the right bowl. "Come, follow me."

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