Chapter 14 - Promises

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Kris was sitting on his bed for a couple minutes, waiting for Susie to come back upstairs. He hoped she was alright. He got up to his door and listened. All he heard was muffled talking, but it didn't seem like anyone was crying. Kris sighed in relief. He sat on the floor, back against the door. Wonder what's going to happen. Hope she doesn't have to go back home... I wouldn't be okay with that. He looked up at the ceiling, shaking his leg. C'mon hurry. Kris got up and sat back in his bed. Constant thoughts of Susie crossing his mind, making it foggy. He felt worried. Worried that Susie would have to go back home. He really wanted Susie to stay with him here, but who knows what his mom would allow. He felt a strong connection with Susie, one that made his stomach feel uneasy. He enjoyed this feeling, it was like something was tugging at his soul. Kris looked at his phone. Ten more minutes have gone by. 

Finally he heard footsteps coming towards the room. The door creaked open and Toriel came in, followed by Susie. "So, Kris. You really should have told me about this sooner. We have been talking about the situation, and decided it is best to get authorities involved. I don't know what's going to happen, but during school tomorrow I will arrange something, okay?"

"Alright mom. Sounds like a plan."

"Now you two get ready for bed. You have school tomorrow. We will figure this out."

She shut the door as she left. Susie sat on the bed with Kris. "Hey Susie. You alright?"

"No. Dude I'm nervous. Like, what if something goes wrong. Like... like my dad convinces them I'm bad, and he's the good guy. I can't let that happen. I can't... Kris." She grabbed both of his arms and moved the hair out of his eyes. She stared right into his crimson eyes. "Kris. He will kill me." She put emphasis on every word. "You need to understand-"

"Susie. It will be okay. I promise. Nothing will happen to you. Nobody will let anything happen to you." Kris held her arms. 


"I won't let anything happen to you."

"T-thank you, Kris." Susie paused. "Being tough is hard when it comes to my dad and my family. I don't want you to think of me as a total loser or something, heh. I'm sorry I dragged you into this mess."

"You aren't a loser. I'm here to help because I care deeply about you. You don't seem well, and I'm not going to ignore that. So I want to help."

Susie's smile grew on her face. "Thank you so much Kris. You have no idea how much this means to me. You... and you being with me... and helping me through this." She took a deep breath. "It's amazing."

Kris and Susie's worries soon went away. "See? We got this. Nothing bad will happen."

"Yeah. Thank you dork. You're awesome." Susie hopped off his bed.

"I'll always try my best to be by your side."

Susie turned around and gave Kris a tight bear hug. "Thank you." She ruffled his hair and went to Asriel's bed.

"Of course. I'll go get the blanket." 

She thanked him as he ran downstairs. He came back up with the blanket around him and threw it over Susie. She chuckled. "Thanks. Goodnight Kris."

Kris turned off the lights. "Goodnight Susie." He put his and Susie's phone on charge and set his alarm. Kris got comfortable in his covers, then he drifted off.

Unfamiliar Feelings (Krusie) Ongoingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن