Chapter 15

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Monday, Sept. 24th



Kris shot up. He was sitting in a pool of his own sweat. He rubbed his eyes and groaned. 

"Kris, you okay?"

He turned her way, with a dazed look on his face. He then got out of bed and walked out of the room, leaving the alarm buzzing.


Now Susie was confused. She was awake for 20 minutes before the alarm, waiting for Kris. She got up and turned off his alarm. She yelled for him as she jogged downstairs. "Kris. Dude why are you acting funny?" When she got downstairs she just saw Kris sleeping on the couch. "Huh?" He was murmuring incomprehensibly. She walked up to him and shook him. Kris jumped up and let out a short scream. He covered his mouth in shock. Susie tapped him. "You okay?" 

Kris looked at her with a face of realization. "What..." He scratched his head. "I had a nightmare. I'm fine." He looked around. "Why am I on the couch?"

"Well you kind of walked downstairs by yourself 2 minutes ago."

Kris rubbed his eyes. "Seriously?"

"Yep. You had me scared heheh." Susie messed with his hair, then moved it out of his eyes. She yawned. "Let's eat something."

"Okay. I didn't mean to do that. Sorry Susie."

"It's all good."

Susie got out cereal for Kris and gave him a bowl. As they ate, Susie noticed he looked dead. He barely put effort into eating and he looked half asleep. "Hey you sure you want to go to school today?"

Kris opened his dead looking crimson eyes and stared at Susie. "W-what did you say?" 

"I'm just saying school probably isn't the best idea for you today." She said with the cereal in her mouth.

"Oh. I think i'll go. I mean remember the thing we gotta do? My mom could get us pulled out of class or something."

"Oh true. You sure? I mean we could just come here and get you."

"Nah I feel okay. Thanks." Kris rubbed his eyes again.

"Yeah no prob."

Just as Susie rinsed their bowls off Toriel came out of her room. "You two ready to go?"

Susie looked at Kris, who was supporting his head with his arm on the table. He gave a slow nod. She turned to Toriel. "Yeah. You taking us?"

"Of course."

"One sec." Susie went upstairs and put on her jacket. She remembered Kris was in his pajamas, so she went into his closet. She took out a green jacket for Kris. She also grabbed the project and went back downstairs. She saw Kris on the couch trying to put on his shoes, failing miserably. She walked over to him and put the jacket on him. "Here. Cause you didn't change this morning."

"Oh. I didn't? Thank you Susie." Kris felt that strange blissful feeling in his chest again. He started to get warm. "You're amazing Susie." 

"Oh w-what? Thank you... Kris." Susie felt her face warm up. She let out her huge yellow smile. "You dork."

"Haha I knew that was coming." Kris was feeling so much better already, and Susie could notice. "Alright Suze, ready to go?" 

"Yes sir." She grinned.

On the car ride to school everyone in the car was silent. Mostly because they were all tired. Kris looked over to Susie, just staring out the window. He just day dreamed about her and how they were hanging out during the weekend. Wish she could just live with us instead. Kris got lost in his thoughts again, and thought about how much it seemed that Susie cared for him. It was weird to him, because he only recognizes that feeling from his family. But the feeling was much, much more. What if she liked me? Do I like her? That wouldn't be weird, right?  Kris kept admiring and gazing at the monster sitting next to him. Man. Yeah I definitely like her. The car slammed and startled Kris. 

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