Chapter 4 - The Dark World

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"Hey. Susie."

"Susie wake up!"

"Huh? Oh crap. Ow, my arm." Susie groaned when she moved it. "You okay Susie? Kris asked. "Yea. I'm fine. Thanks." "Yeah." Kris holds out his hand. She takes it and he helps her up. "Let's go find Ralsei." said Kris. "Okay."

As Kris and Susie were traversing through the dark world it appeared to be... different? There was an eerie presence. More than there normally was at least. "Hey Kris?" He looked over. "Does this place feel... I dunno. Different to you?" Kris shrugged. "Damn. Wish you could talk." Susie mumbled to herself. Kris turned around. "Did you say something? I couldn't hear." He was too far ahead to hear anything. "What? No." "Oh okay."

Susie was looking around the unfamiliar territory, when suddenly she heard Kris scream and take out his sword. "You good Kris??" "There's some weird dark thing over there! It just ran away." He yelled, filled with panic. "Haha I think you're just seeing things." "No Susie I'm serious. I heard it! It looked like a Rudinn, but it definitely wasn't one." Susie was beginning to believe something was very wrong. Susie told Kris that they needed to find Ralsei and hopefully she could explain what was going on. "Well then let's go." Kris told her. "Okay my knight and shining armor."

"Wait what?" Kris laughed. "I'm just making a joke you dork." Kris took it as a compliment anyways. They rushed down a heap of rocks going down a collapsed cliff side, then in the distance they could see a town. "We've made it." Kris said. "You excited to see Ralsei?" "Oh uh yeah sure. It'll be fun."

Susie was glad Kris was starting to talk at last.

They made it to the town, and there was actually people. All of the buildings weren't empty anymore, and there were tons of people talking to each other. It felt alive. "Whoa there's people here now." said Susie. "Yeah but where's Ralsei?" Kris asked. "Hmm. Not sure. Let's head up to the castle." Susie replied. When they got up there they were stopped by two guards.

"Halt! Where do you two think you're going?"

"We just wanted to know where Ralsei is."

"Well he's not here. You're going to have to look elsewhere, blue boy."

"Oh. Do you know where he could be?" He asked.

"He was going eastward last time I saw."

"Okay. Thanks."

Kris and Susie started to venture to the east, past the Great Door. "Blue boy, oh my god!" Susie snickered at the nickname the guard gave him. Kris just looked at her with a "really?" sort of face. Susie just kept chuckling to herself. "What? I like that. C'mon Blue Boy, let's go find Ralsei. Kris just smiled and looked ahead, and continued leading the way.

Later on throughout the walk Kris heard the thing again. "Hey Susie, did you hear that?" "Yeah I definitely did that time. What the hell was that?" She replied.

"AH!" Kris yelled as he pulled out his shield to defend against the monster jumping right at them. He hits it with the shield and it stumbles back, only to shoot a ton of strange projectiles towards them. Kris gets hit by one in the shoulder and flinches. "Can we even reason with this thing??" Kris said. "Look Kris, I know you're the pacifist type of person, and that's great but, I think we're just gonna have to kill this thing where it stands. If it's... even standing. I can't tell what it is." "Yeah... I think it's a Rudinn, or some form of one." Kris replied. It then shot a barrage of random deformed blades towards them, Susie punched one out of the way, but Kris got hit twice in his right leg and fell down. Susie turned towards Kris. "Kris?? You okay?" She asked, suddenly getting hit in her back. "Ouch! Damn it. Okay you little shit c'mere!"

Susie pulled out her axe and used Red Buster, knocking it against the trees. She went off on the creature, swinging left and right. It tried to run around her and went straight for Kris. He was slowly just getting himself up and he heard, "Kris, watch out!" He quickly grabbed his sword and dodged the creature then slicing it from behind. It hissed at him and kept throwing itself towards him, until it knocked his sword out of his hands and slams him into a tree. A forest wasn't exactly the best place to fight something like this. Kris groaned, he couldn't get himself back up. Susie tried to slice the thing with her axe, but it saw it coming and dodged within a split second. It shot something at Susie, hitting her shoulder. "Damn it what the fuck is this thing??" Just when she yelled that, Ralsei came up from behind and used his pacify spell on it, causing it to slowly fall asleep. "Oh my god there you guys are!" Ralsei said. "I knew you'd come back tod-" Susie turned away from him and ran towards Kris. "Kris! Are you okay?!"


"Hey c'mon say something!" Kris groaned in searing pain from a gash on his leg and his aching body. "Y-yeah I'm... okay." Kris struggled to get up and fell back down. Susie noticed he was bleeding a little from the gash. "I-I feel cold." Kris told Susie. Susie looked around and saw a cave opening behind the trees. She picked up Kris and carried him over to the cave and put him down gently. "Thanks, Susie." "Yeah of course. You'll be just fine blue boy, don't worry. Heheh." Kris smirked and let out a "Ha." and said thank you again. Susie smiled "No problem, Kris."

"Oh my, are you guys okay?" Ralsei asked as he hurried over to the cave. "Yeah we're good." Susie told her. "Wish you were here sooner to help us fight that thing, whatever it was. Where were you anyways?" "Oh I was trying to figure out why all these plants are acting weird. Some people have gone missing from Lancer's castle as well."

So Susie was right, something really weird has been going on. "So you're saying all this has just happened in a day?" Susie asked. "Yup. I'm still trying to figure out what's going on. Let me make sure that creature doesn't wake up, I'll be right back."

Susie faced Kris and looked for the wound. It seemed to be a lot better, at least it wasn't bleeding. "Hey Kris. You doing alright?" Kris put up a thumbs up. "You sure?" He nodded. "Please just tell me." "Yes, I'm sure. Thank you Susie, it means a lot." Kris finally said. Him saying it gave a wave of relief over her. "Hey. We always got each other's backs. Don't forget that." Susie reminded Kris. Susie reassuring him made him forget the pain he was in. He grew a smile.

"How am I gonna get rid of this huge cut in my leg before my mom sees?" Kris asked Susie. "Yeah you're fucked kiddo." She told him with a grin. "Well that's reassuring." "Relax. I'm sure you can come up with a lie or somethin'." "Yeah. You're right." Kris agreed.

"Heyy so guys..."

"What happened?" Susie asked him.

"Well the body is missing."

"Crap. Where'd it go??"

"I don't know. Normally things don't wake up that fast under my pacify spell. But don't worry, it's tracks go far towards my castle so you will be fine." Ralsei ensured them. "You two should rest right here, I'll be back in maybe an hour. I'm gonna go track it down so it doesn't cause more harm." Susie asked Ralsei if he would be safe going alone. "Don't worry, it's most likely weak anyways. Besides you need to look after Kris. He needs to rest, he's hurt and exhausted." "Yeah, gotcha. Make sure you get back soon. We don't got a lot of time down here, school will end soon. I can't be late." "Of course!" He replied as he left towards his town.

Susie looked back at Kris. He was shivering a little and was already asleep. "Hmm. Well guess you really were tired out, huh." Susie said watching Kris shiver. She decided to lay down right next to him, since she was much warmer. Slowly, her eyes closed as she drifted of into sleep.

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