Chapter 3 - Friends

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Kris was walking into class in a slow pace to make it seem like he wasn't in a hurry ten seconds ago.

"H-hey Kris. You're late, but it's okay, we are just beginning a lesson on how to find a job that suites you. Go ahead and sit down, and we will continue." said Alphys.

Kris went to take his seat, and felt a wave of relief when he sat down. He was so worn out from the adventure and just wanted to sleep. He looked behind him and didn't see Susie. He was just wondering where she could be, then...


"Oh. S-Susie. Um-"

"Am I late?"

"Ohh haha.. no, you're a-actually right on t-time! W-we were just umm.. starting a lesson.."


Susie went to go sit down, as she passed Kris she put on a smirk. He looked at her and waved. Susie got in her seat then leaned back and put her feet up on the desk, just like she was at home.

A couple minutes of lesson went by. Kris got some of it but he kept drifting off constantly. Alphys was talking about the importance of knowing your wages and where you should live before you apply for certain jobs or something. He kept trying to listen but he was way too tired. He just kept thinking of the Dark World and how weird it was that that place existed. It was a fun experience for him. He enjoyed being able to learn more about Susie because no one really knows much about her. Kris liked it when she was around, he couldn't really figure out why exactly, but she was fun. Suddenly Kris felt something hit him. He looked down and saw a wad of paper on the ground, so he picked it up. He opened it up and read,

Hey nerd wanna go to the closet during lunch?

Kris turned around and saw Susie snickering at him. Kris gave her a thumbs up and smiled back. Why would he not want to skip on a day like this? Plus he could spend more time with Susie.

Lots of time went by and Kris could barely tell what she's teaching anymore. It's like she's talking about some weird adult cartoon or something? Kris just didn't want to be in class any longer or he'd probably drift into sleep.

Then the bell finally rings!

Kris sluggishly gets up to go to his next class which was PE.

"Yo Kris." Susie catches up from behind. "You gonna meet me by the closet?"

Kris nodded.

"You could say something you know. You barely talk."

"Yeah. I just don't often I guess."

"Hmm. It'd be cool if you did a little more or somethin'." Susie said as she turned to go to her class. "See you at lunch dork."

Kris continued to his next class. He didn't really enjoy PE all that much but he'd live. When he got there he changed into his workout clothes and entered the gym. They were instructed to run 10 laps around the gym and then they'd have a free day, as long as they were playing with sports equipment. Kris sighed to himself. He wasn't in the mood to exercise at all today, let alone a whole class period. He saw Monster Kid having a hard time running and he hoped he wouldn't fall over like he did constantly. He did that only once, and the Jocks from his class teased him throughout the whole day. I mean they normally do that, but it was better not to give them a reason to. Kris was on lap 3 almost falling behind, panting constantly. He just wanted to sit down and catch his breath, then he heard behind him, "Hey wimp, what's wrong? Can't even run a couple laps?" Jonah laughed with his friend. Kris just stared at them. "C'mon freak say something!" Jonah got really close to him and whispered, "A weak ass human like you would never survive in a world full of creatures. You're better off just giving up right now. Even your brother was far better than you." Kris stopped. They snickered at Kris as he started walking to the exit.

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