Chapter 40

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Kris slowly opened his eyes and saw the light shining through the cracks in the blinds. He groaned as he stretched as hard as he could. He rubbed his eyes and sat up. Kris grabbed his phone and checked it. 


Whoa. I slept a lot. He stretched again because the first one wasn't good enough. Kris looked to his side. "Susie?" He jumped off his bed and felt a simmering pain in his ankle. He shook it off and continued to walk to the door. He took one look back at her bed. I hope she's okay. Kris started to feel nervous. He felt like he was going to lose it. He stood in the middle of the hall, dizzy and confused. 


He snapped his head towards the stairs.

"Heard you come out of your room."

Kris felt a huge wave of relief. "Oh, yeah. Haha."

"Everything okay? You look dead."

"Yeah. I need water."

"Come downstairs then." She smiled and walked down the stairs.

Kris slowly walked down the stairs after her. He felt the pain slowly go away. He looked down at his leg and saw a couple scratches and bruises. They weren't anything to freak out about though. He got down the stairs and saw Susie at the fridge. She gave him a glass of water. "Thank you." She told him it was no problem, and he downed the water in two seconds. He dropped the cup and froze for a secind.

Susie kneeled down and grabbed the cup. She held her hip afterwards. "C'mon, Kris." She chucked the cup in the trash. "Let's sit down and watch some TV. I just turned it on."


Kris walked next to Susie and they slumped on the couch. She sighed abruptly. "When do you think we have to go to school?" 

"Dunno. I'm sure it got messed up pretty bad. Maybe a week."

"A week? They'll probably be concerned about the area and close it off. Two weeks. Minimum."

Kris smirked "Ha. We'll see." He picked up the remote. "What should we watch? I'm not watching whatever this is. No offense, of course."

"None taken, I didn't choose it. It was just on." She slumped lower into the couch. "And yeah, it's pretty weird."

"Yeah." Kris looked through a bunch of shows. "I kind of want to watch a movie."

"Okay. Like what?"

"I... dunno." Kris kept surfing through the channels. "All of this shit is just weird romance. Where's all the action?"

Susie scratched her head." I know. Some of these channels used to have action movies most of the time."

"Ooo. Here's one. 'Silent Hill'. I've heard of it somewhere."

"Whoa, Kris. Let's save the horror movie until it's late at night." She giggled. "It's much better that way."

"You're right."

Toriel came out of her room. She looked as if she never slept.

"Hi mom."


"You look like you haven't slept."

"I barely did." She walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. "Anyway did you see the news? You're going back to school on Wednesday!"

Kris and Susie were surprised. "What??" They both said in unison.

"Yep. They're almost done cleaning out the school. The city came and apparently helped remove a supposed gas leak or something."

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