Chapter 43 - Give Us A Break

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"Is she still there?" Susie asked.

"I think so." He got up against the wall and peeked around the corner. "She's going back home. I think... Yeah."

"Do you think he'd rat us out?" She asked.

"I doubt it. C'mon, let's go inside." Kris walked around the store and looked around for his mom. He didn't spot anyone, so he went inside. 

"Hey." Sans seemed a little confused. "Um... aren't you supposed to be with your mom... or at school?"

"We're supposed to be at school." He replied. "But no one is in our classes... so it's kind of boring."

"Hm. Fair enough. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." He winked. "What are you here for?"

"Ice cream." They both said simultaneously. They looked at each other and smiled.

"Hm." Sans walked into the back area of his store. "What flavor? We don't have a lot."

"Chocolate," Kris told him. "Please." 

Susie agreed and told Sans she also wanted chocolate. She looked outside the window and saw Toriel coming back to the building. She frantically told Kris and Sans. He stepped out of his room for a second and looked out of the window as well. He chuckled and told the two to walk around the counter and make their way inside of the room. 


"Hiya. Did you forget something?"

"Yes. Is my wallet still here?"

Sans looked around the counter, then the tables. "It's on one of the tables over there." He pointed towards the entrance.

"Oh, thank goodness." Toriel was worried that she dropped it in a field of grass outside. "Thank you."

"Yup. Anytime." Sans smiled like always.

"Bye, sugar."

"Bye, babe." Sans watched as Toriel left and the bell chimed on the door. He turned around and saw the door slowly creak open and saw them staring at him. Kris began to laugh. 

"I knew it," Kris said. 

"Well, wasn't gonna hide it forever." Sans shrugged. "Oh, yeah. Ice cream's in the freezer. Only take one."

Kris decided to take two chocolate ice creams and gave one to Susie. They both sat at one of the tables by the front, and once they finished, Sans came to throw away the trash. He waved bye to them as they left out the door, chiming the bell once more. Sans wiped the table and chucked the trash into the bin. He slowly walked to the window and watched the two walk together on the sidewalk. "Heh. Interesting couple." 

He pulled out a chair and sat down. He pulled out his phone and saw he had a new text from his brother. Oh. Better get going. Sans got up and closed down the store for the night. He grabbed his keys, left the building, and locked the door. He made his way back into his home and called out for Papyrus. To his surprise, he was already rushing down the stairs. "There you are. So, where exactly is this place?"

"It's in the city. It's called, 'Mike's Pizza Pies'."

"Well... I've never heard of it. How's it any better from what we got in town?"

"Everything here pays at most 10 an hour. They pay 13 an hour?"

"For what? Cooking?"

Papyrus lifted his finger. "Actually, bussing." 

"What? You're serious?"

"Yes. Soon they said I could start cooking."

"I can't lie, that is pretty damn good. Fine. I'll drive you."

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