Chapter 26 - Ice Cream, You Scream

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Susie wanted to cover her face with her hair, but it didn't matter anyway because Kris was staring right at her. Oh well. She sat down very close to Kris. "Hey, this movie better be good."

"I promise, it is. I tried to find one we'd both enjoy."

"Well, I don't care. As long as you don't fall asleep."

"I won't, haha."

"Cause I'd hate to watch this without you." She couldn't help her grin form on her face. When she said that Kris gently grabbed her hand, and started the movie. "Kris?"


"Thank you."

Kris immediately understood what she meant. "No problem."

Susie caught Kris looking at him with a funny looking grin. "Let me have my moment." She squeezed his hand. Kris pretended to zip his mouth, and they both giggled. They watched the movie for about 20 minutes and they already were sucked in. "Wow, you really did pick a good movie."

"I know, right?"

"I like how I'm so confused, but I'm still enjoying it."

"I knoooow. I might have to rewatch this in order to fully understand it."

"Yeah. Hey, Kris. I'm really hungry. Do we have any snacks?"

Kris got up and walked over to the kitchen. "I think so." He searched through all of the cabinets and came back with some candy bars. "I can make some ravioli, it's all we have."

"Sounds good to me. Can I help?"

"Sure, c'mon." Susie walked up next to Kris. "It's literally the easiest thing you could ever make."

"Oh, so you're basically just heating it up?"


"That's lame."

"I know, we can make something else soon."

"We should make a pizza. I've never done that before."

Kris laughed. "Really??"

"Yeah. To be honest, it sounds really fun."

"Yeah, we can do that I'm sure. We'll make a list after this for toppings we like."

Susie grinned. "Sounds good to me."

Kris dumped out the ravioli into the small pan. "Now all you do is stir it until it's hot."

"Very complicated."

"I know. You do that, I need to use the restroom."

"Have fun, Kris." Kris snickered and left. "Man, this stuff looks so good. Maybe I'm just hungry. Is there even enough for Kris? I could eat all of this." She poked at the ravioli and it sizzled, so she started stirring it. She looked back in the cabinet. I could put in more. Susie grabbed the last can and opened it. She combined it with the warm ones and stirred them up. That's better.

Kris walked back towards Susie. "You added more, huh?"

"Ha. Yeah, I'm hungry. Sorry if you were planning on using it later."

"I wasn't, don't be sorry."

"Okay. Do you think it's ready?"

"Yeah, go ahead and pour it into a bowl."

"Okay. Get two out, I'll pour yours."

Kris took out two bowls. "I don't want as much."


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