Chapter 9

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One useless lesson and some anime references later...


Susie slowly got out of her chair and stretched to the ceiling. Not that hard for a monster her size, anyway. She walked over to Kris, who was half asleep. "Hey Kris. Class is over. Let's go." She nudged his arm. He slowly lifted his head up, covered in hair. He messed with his hair to where he could actually see, and looked up at Susie.

"Uh hellooo?" Susie waved her hand in front of his face.


"Heyy! Kris. Get your ass up, the bell rang and you didn't even hear it."

"Oh." Kris let out a yawn and stretched so hard that he almost fell back in his chair. Susie chuckled, and helped him stand up. They walked out of the room and Susie followed him to his next class. Once they got to the gym, Susie looked at Kris.

"You look really tired today. Do you want to skip class?"

Kris looked up at her. "No. I don't want to get in trouble."

"Ah. Alright then. Well, see ya around Kris."

"Ha okay. Bye Susie."


Kris turned around.

"Walk with me back home?" She said with an awkward smile growing on her face.

Kris smiled back and replied that he'd love to.

Susie walked off to her next class in a cheerful mood, a rare thing for her. She spent the whole period waiting for school to end. What's the point of school anyways. I don't see me needing this in my future, she thought to herself as she drifted off. She started fiddling with her pencil, constantly glancing up at the clock to see if it was time to go. It was hard not to fall asleep.


Yesss, Susie thought. She instantly stood up and walked out of the classroom. She went straight to the front of the school, leaned on her favorite wall that she normally leans on, and waited to see if Kris would come.

Meanwhile in the gym...

Kris just got back into his regular clothes and was about to leave the locker room, when he heard Jonah speak up behind him. "Hey look who it is. The monster tamer!" Kris had no clue what the hell he was talking about. "They should put you in monster hunter."

Kris turned his head in his direction. "What?"

"Oh my god! He speaks!" His group of friends giggled with him.

"Haha." Kris muttered sarcastically, as he continued to walk out the locker room.

"Hey kid, you leave this fucking roo- oh damn."

Kris was walking down the halls looking behind him every once and a while to see if that weirdo was following him. Dude's not even funny, he thought. Then as he turned the corner, he saw Susie leaning up against the wall. She looked up at Kris and grinned. "Took you long enough." They both chuckled. Kris reached up and moved Susie's messy purple hair out of the way of her eyes. "Sorry, but I prefer seeing your eyes." Susie called him a dork, even though she genuinely enjoyed the compliment. She didn't really enjoy her eyes much. To her they seemed kind of freaky. They exchanged smiles and decided to head home with each other. They were both so tired and thankful the school week was finally over. It was a silent, yet peaceful walk.

Susie decided to speak up. "Hey. Kris?" He looked over. "Umm so uh... what do..."

"Use your words," Kris snickered.

"Ugh okay. What do your eyes look like? I've never seen them with all your hair in the way.

"You want to see?"


Kris scooped up his hair, revealing his red eyes. Not a deep red, but like a lighter crimson color. Susie was genuinely shocked. What the hell. That's cool. "Kris that's awesome. I like them." Oh my god. They're actually... kind of cute. That was weird. Why do I think that?

"Umm Susie? You can stop staring now."

"W-what? I just think it's cool, okay?"

Kris laughed. "Haha thanks. I don't really like them. It's uncommon, and I think it makes me look edgy or something.

"What?? Kris they're amazing. I'm sure you're the only person that thinks that. It's not even an 'edgy' red, it's nice." Susie tried to compliment without being too weird.

"Amazing, huh?"

"Shut up I'm just trying to compliment you."

Kris was snickering. "I know. Thank you Susie."

Susie rolled her eyes. "Yeah whatever." She couldn't help but laugh with him.

They eventually got to her house and they said bye to each other, then went separate ways.

While Kris walked home he began thinking about Susie sleeping over, and what they would do for the project. He was a bit nervous to hang out with her at his own home. It's very different than at school. He wondered if his mom would even allow it. He'd just have to get home and find out. Eventually he got inside and saw Toriel on her couch as usual. They greeted each other, and Kris went up to his room. Okay. So the project is on our future. I wonder if it has to be for the two of us together? I don't think it matters, after all it's just a project I guess. Okay I should probably ask mom now while she's in a good mood. She better say yes. Kris stood there for a bit then decided to go downstairs.

"Hey mom?"

Toriel closed her book and looked over. "Yes dear?"

"So uh. Me and Susie have a project to work on. It's due on Monday, and I was wondering if she could stay over so we could finish it."

She stood there for a second. "Hmm. As long as her parents are okay with it. Then... yes."

"Awesomee. Thank you mom!"

"Of course, sweetie."

Kris ran back up to his room and started mentally planning out what was supposed to happen. He got out a piece of note book paper and started to write down the supplies they would need. Huge paper, colored pencils because he doesn't have any, etc.

"Kris! Dinner's ready!"

Kris threw the paper to the side and ran downstairs.

"Don't run downstairs!"


Kris sat down at the table and saw what Toriel prepared. Beautiful, tender, perfectly sized... gas station hot dogs. Well, Kris wasn't complaining. As soon as Toriel set it down, he started drooling. He was so hungry, anything would satisfy him right now. "Thanks mom."

After he finished, he put his dish in the sink and rinsed it off, then he ran straight upstairs. He got into some looser clothes and got into bed. He started thinking about Susie coming over. He was kind of nervous, he didn't know why. Maybe it's cause he's never had anyone over before. Despite these weird feelings, he couldn't wait for her to come over. Kris and Susie were growing to be very close friends, and every time they were around each other. Kris's phone buzzed. He got up and looked over. It was Susie. He quickly opened the notification.

"Hey. I convinced my dad to let me come over. Can I stay over for the weekend?"

Kris started typing.

"Yeah of course. When can you come over tomorrow?"

"Around 7 pm. I'll lyk."

"Sounds good. Goodnight."

"Night Kris."

He put his phone on charge and made sure his alarm was set, so he wouldn't oversleep. Kris couldn't wait for tomorrow. He slowly drifted in his thoughts, then he fell asleep.

Unfamiliar Feelings (Krusie) Ongoingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن