Chapter 36

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No response.

"Kris?" Susie felt the walls for a light switch "Oh, there you are." She reached for his hand and lifted him from the shelf. He crashed into the shelf after he got here. "Did you fall?"

"Ugh." Kris moved the hair from in front of his face and got up. "I don't remember. I fell down like this."

"Heh. Thought it was cause of the dark. Did the medicine kick in? Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, it's slowly kicking in. Not as instant as I'd hoped it to be, but whatever." 

"Yeah. Just get better quickly." 

Kris chuckled. "I'll wait faster."

"Heheh. Well, thanks." Susie felt a little nervous. She wanted to ask Kris something, but didn't want to seem weird. "Hey, could I check... you out?" 

"Excuse me?" 

"LIKE... not that way, I mean... I just want to see where you were hit, that's all!" 

"You act like it matters either way." 

"Oh. Heh, yeah well..."

"He hit my head right here and pushed me all the way down into the floor. Huh."

"What is it?" 

Kris felt around his head. "It's gone. Completely! Wow."

"It really worked, huh?"

"That's cool." Kris looked down at his clothes. They had paint on them. "What?" He looked at the shelf behind him. It didn't fall that much since it was right next to the wall, but it seems Kris accidentally sat on an old painting of a flower. "It looks like a kid painted this."

"Oops. You okay?"

"Yeah. It doesn't matter. We should probably go now." 

"You're right." Susie looked around the room. "Where are we?"

Kris looked around. "Hm. Someone's closet. It's not the school's that's for sure."

Susie scratched her head. "Well, how do you know that?"

"Look. This closet is way to big to be a school closet. And we never had a project like this painting ever." 

"I guess you're right, I don't remember painting that for art."

"Yeah, too many random fancy clothes."

"Hey, I think I know where we are."


"Let's actually get out of here." Susie got close to the door. "Be quiet." 

"Are you hiding something?" 

"Shh!" She motioned for Kris to get behind her, so he did. She slowly opened the door. They were in a bright hallway with a lot of paintings. Susie looked towards Kris and whispered to keep her volume down. "I was right. We are definitely in Noelle's house."

"You know what her house looks like?"

"Yeah. How else did you think I got ready for the dance? I don't have any of those skills."

"Fair point."

"Aw man, I don't want to look like a weirdo for 'sneaking' into her house. Do you think we could sneak out somehow?"

Kris looked down. "I don't know. Her house is very secure."

"Ugh, man I don't want to look like a weirdo. What are we gonna do? Tell her we teleported from another dimension? We can't let her know about that."

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