"You're A slut"

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Robert Bieber, a 35 year old man was arrested on November, 24 2013 for trying to kidnap 4 year old Andrèa Underwood. After he was bought into custody, he was sentenced to life in prison without the possiblity of parole. After serving a year and a half in prison, Bieber died of lung cancer. While investagators were interagating Bieber for this case, Bieber gave us information as to were we could locate some of the girls. After we had located the girls, we reunited the with their original families. Bieber told cops that he kidnapped girls from all over the world. He told our detectives that he captured and sold more than twenty young girls. Although we weren't able to find them all, Bieber said he sold them all to good homes with families who couldn't concieve. Sources were then told that Robert kept secrets from other members of the infamous group known as the U.C.K.S.He refused to give detectives on this case the names of everyone who participated in the horrible crime. If you happen to know more information about the children who were kidnapped, locate you locate your local police station and tell them immediatley.

Peeling my locked eyes from the screen I snapped back to reality.

"He was sick,'' I whispered under my breath. A single shiver shot up my spine at the thought of it.

How in God's name could a thiry five year old man kidnap someone's innocent daughter and sell them to people? The whole thing was sickening to me. Glacing at the time, I noticed it was 1:30 A.M.

Time really flies by.

Snapping from my thoughts, my phone vibrated.

Cutie: So did you check it out?

Reading Keith's message, it got me thinking. Why did he know about this? How did he know about this?

Me: Yes, the whole entire situation is sick! how on earth does someone kidnap innocent girls?

Cutie: That's exactly what I was thinking. Have you even talked to Justin about it?

Me: No, I never felt the need to ask him about it, but after reading this article about his uncle, I'm going to ask him about it for sure.

Cutie: Good.

Me: So how did you come across this article? Were you stalking Justin or something?

Why was Keith looking up Justin's uncle in the first place?

Cutie: Well, actually I was just looking up Justin. I wanted to see what my competiton was. hah. Silly I know, but It's true.

Blushing at his message, I quickly replied.

Me: Ha ha ha, funny. Anyways, I already told you there is absolutely nothing between Justin and I. Friends only, and that's all we are going to be.

Cutie: Good! Hey, I have to get going. I have to be at work really early tomorrow.

Me: Ok, talk to you later Keith.

Cutie: Talk to you later beautiful.

Me: Oh stop, you're making me blush.

Cutie: Haha, night sweetie.

Me: Night.

After Keith and I had finished our conversation, I got into bed and just layed there thinking of that article. I mean imagine being one of those girls. Not knowing why you were pulled from your home to be thrown with a family who paid for you. It's crazy. Pushed from my thoughts, I glanced at Em, she was already asleep. After awhile of laying there, I couldn't fall asleep, so I thought it would be a good idea to text Justin.

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