chapter 4

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later that night

"bro i'm exhausted as fuuuck.", dakota flopped onto the counter and whined to reign. she was the housewife and made the food, did the dishes and cleaned the dorm. she liked staying home and studying or watering the plants all around.

she also liked sitting down and watching grey's anatomy. she liked to watch it over sometimes, other times she would be watching lucifer. why? because she's a bisexual disaster so of course she would.

dakota was the man, she worked all day and came home to eat. their dynamic had fit right into place ever since reign came into the university.

a platonic soulmate.

dakota worked at a bar as a bartender from around 10pm to 4 in the morning. she got around 4-5 hours of sleep each night and just slept her problems away on the weekends. her body could function perfectly with a bottle of water right in the morning, a mug of coffee and a shower.

"that's what you get for always being on your feet. get off my fucking counter. i bet your ass stinks and is getting your sweaty butt juices all over my marble baby.", reign swatted her with a spatula. tonight, she was making eggs, sausage and rice.

reign was an absolute angel, she stayed up just to give dakota food. meanwhile, dakota would stare at the strippers' asses and flirt with her customers as they had sex with the bartender.

when dakota told her that name of the drink she immediately got worried and started firing off questions like a worried mother.

"it's an alcoholic drink, ray. come on keep up with the program.", dakota snapped her fingers jokingly and dodged a stray fork.

"them bitches dangerous! crazy hoe."

"i make your food, better shut the fuck up before i spit in it.", reign threatened her. it was the easiest way to get her to back down. dakota was easy to handle when it came to people close to her.

"sorry, mom."

reign knew if she went to her room she would not wake up again and be dying in the morning.

"come sit on the couch. you're gonna fall asleep if you step into your room."

dakota groaned and slid onto the couch from the back. she turned on the tv and started watching a show called atypical. it was recommended from one of her friends and just thought she would try it out.

it isn't that bad, though she doesn't like evan. maybe just cause she's gay but oh well. anybody falls for anything with blonde hair and blue eyes these days.

she also needed to get those grams from her brother quickly before the girl found another deal.

but that's a 30 minute trip.

oh well, she was excited for a concert and decided that if she didn't want to spend that much money she would have to waste 30 minutes for a few hours of live music.

"reign! i'm gonna go to my brother's for the grams. you haven't forgotten about rachel yet haven't you?", she shouted into the kitchen's direction. dakota only got shushed at since everybody was sleeping.

it was 4 in the morning.

"who's rachel? is it the girl asking for weed for them tickets or whatever?", reign placed down the plate of food on the coffee table and started to clean up the partial mess from the day before.

"uh huh. and i gotta go some time later this week. remind me, yeah?", dakota started shouting to reign down the hall when she started walking away.

"shut the fuck up and eat. and i will, put your shit away when you're done. love you", dakota whisper-yelled an 'i love you too'.

she gobbled up her food and threw it into the sink.

now, about that weed.

she thought to herself about how she sounded like a drug addict.
668 words
still here?
the question still stands about the g!p..
stay safe and i love you

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