Chapter 2

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After the party, I can't help but notice Cam everywhere around school. He doesn't seem to notice me, though. Even though I wanted to be different this year, my default mode of invisibility kicks in whenever I see him.

He doesn't hang out with any of the popular kids he was with at the party. He has two other friends who share the same bad-boy vibe as him. They all have some kind of black rock band shirt and black ripped jeans with converse. One of them, I've seen around school a lot. He's usually smoking behind the school under a tree.

As the cheering wraps up after a victorious game against our rival school (I didn't even know we had one until I joined the cheerleading team), I catch Thomas trying to catch up to me and Penelope from the corner of my eye.

"Oh no," I groan.

Penelope turns to see what I'm referring to and quickly turns back to me, saying, "I can't decide if he's annoying or cute."

"I feel the same way," I chuckle. "That's why I sometimes prefer to avoid him."

Thomas has been extremely flirty since I attended his party last week, but he can be a little too loud and obnoxious when talking to me. Almost as if he wants to impress his friends somehow.

He catches up and walks beside me, flashing a smile.

"Any plans for the weekend?" he asks, glancing between me and Penelope.

I nod, "Actually, Penelope and I are super busy this weekend."

Penelope nods in agreement, even though she's lying, and adds, "Yeah, super busy."

"Well, can you at least make it to my party tonight?" Thomas pouts.

I shrug, trying to act cool, "Sure."

"I'll see you two there," he says before walking away.

Penelope and I get into her car, and she turns to me with a frown, saying, "I love you, but I don't want to go to another party."

I feel guilty for dragging Penelope into this, knowing that she was just like me last year—preferring to be invisible and not attend any events.

"I don't want to be alone with Thomas." I pout.

She starts the car and begins to back out, rolling her eyes. "The only reason I'm agreeing to this is because we didn't get to enjoy the last party. We barely stayed long enough to listen to the music."

I clap my hands excitedly, "Yay! Okay. We'll dance."

We go home and I change again. I put on a white skirt and a red top. We make our way downstairs and my parents are watching a movie, sitting on the couch.

"Hey. We're going to go to a party today." I tell them and they turn to me and smile.

"That's great, sweetheart." My mom says with a smile.

My dad frowns, "You know your curfew."

"Yes, I do." I walk up to them and kiss them both on their cheeks. "Love you, guys."

We walk out and Penelope turns to me frowning, "Should I change too?"

She's wearing a vintage rock band shirt with baggy "mom" jeans as she calls them and her "Chicago 1's Jordans". She likes dressing in vintage clothing. Her hair is up in two buns.

"To what? This outfit suits you perfectly. I like it," I respond, not wanting her to change just because I'm trying to be different this year. I want her to be herself.

We walk closer to her car when she shrugs shyly, "Yeah, I'm comfortable. But when I'm next to all those girls at the party I can clearly see the difference."

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