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amaras pov

today was the day i was leaving home for graduation but im leaving thursday instead of wednesday because i had missed my flight the day before. but lets forget about that. 

two days ago me and jaden went on our very first date and it was so amazing. i think he's the one. no man has ever treated me with so much respect and that's saying a lot because men ain't shit. 

anyways, i was finishing packing my things and preparing to be taken to the airport.
"okay, tell me you have everything?", jaden said walking into the room and handing me his hoodie."

"does it smell like you?", i asked taking it from his hands, "im pretty sure my whole room smells like me now and josh is not gonna be happy.", jaden chuckled. i stuffed the hoodie into my bag.

"how much longer until you have to leave for the airport?", anthony asked.
"like an hour.", i sighed, "i dont wanna go guys. i actually enjoyed it here, you're the only internet friends who i actually really got along with." jaden came from behind and wrapped his arms around me. "we dont want you to leave either. i dont want you to leave. having you here is so nice.", 

"yea. but its graduation. i wanna do this and walk the stage while my mom cheers me on.", i said and i could already imagine everything. "is it just gonna be you're mom or are more people just going?", anthony asked.

"yea just my mom. all her family is just separated into different places and none of them could make it. so its just my moms cheering thats gonna help me walk that stage with a smile.", i said.

"well hopefully you spend it having fun with your other friends.", jaden said, "but hey lets head upstairs with your suitcases so we wont have to struggle later."

we grabbed the suitcases and walked upstairs with them. "amara i dont want you to leave!", kio said running to me with open arms and hugging me. "i dont wanna leave either.", i said and pulled off. "why cant you leave exactly tomorrow morning and leave dressed and ready.", bryce suggested. "no bryce. i wanna spend some time with my mom. i wanna tell her my time here and the stuff i did.", 

"well amara, you're gonna graduate tomorrow and that is always exciting." griffin said, "i remember when i graduated. best time of my life.", "thank you griffin. i made it.", i said and hugged him. 

"alright amara. i think its time we take you to the airport.", josh said and they helped me with my suitcases and we headed to griffins car. the whole way to the airport was us making tiktoks like always. being here around them just made me think how grateful i am to have these kids and how happy i am to have texted back into the group chat. i will never not be thank full for these boys. they showed up in a time where i really needed someone like them. they gave the happiness i was searching for. 

we arrived at the airport and we got off and headed towards my gate and stood there while we waited for it to be called. after a while it was finally called. "well thats me.", i said and grabbed my suitcases. i turned to jaden and pulled him into and hug and then pulled off and bought him down for a kiss. he pulled off and looked at me, "bye precious.", he said and all the boys came over and grouped hugged me.

i got into line and they scanned my bags and i gave them my ticket and before i got onto the plane i turned around and waved bye at the boys and into the plane.

tomorrow is when my life really starts. 


can you believe june is almost over and we're
about to be in july?? like no. we're going to fast now.

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