Chapter 26: Feeling Worthless

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Nivado: Hello everybody!

We hope you all had a magnificent Christmas! We know COVID-19 has really stuffed things up for everyone, but at least most of us have strongly stuck together.

Anyway, as for this chapter, this is where things start to get a little... 'crazy' per se. This and the next few chapters may leave you slightly puzzled.
However, if you ask me questions about whats going on, I will NOT answer them. You will have to wait until they get answered in the book.

Anyway, my friends, sit back and enjoy!


The Titans proceed to make their way towards where they believe the T-Car rests, informing their new friend about themselves along the way and asking her questions.

Beast Boy: So Terra, what brings you around these parts?

Terra: Well, it's kinda hard to explain.

Cyborg: Hard to explain? What do you mean?

Terra: I was exploring a nearby cave when I felt an energy source that was... luring. I started to follow it when I got interrupted when I saw you guys fighting off those two... things.

Raven: Energy source?

Robin: What do you mean by that?

Terra: Like I said, it's hard to explain.

Robin: Uh... anyway, we're sorry about what happened just then, with Y/N.

Terra: Oh, it's fine. But, if you don't mind me asking, what's he like?

Starfire: Well, friend Y/N is a very magnificent person to spend ones life with. He is like the brother to all of us.

Robin: He also... got me together with Star.

Robin and Starfire cling arms, visibly annoying Cyborg.

Cyborg: Yeah, yeah, you two talk about your lovey-dovey stuff, but Y/N helped me with stuff too.

Beast Boy: Such as...

Cyborg: Uh... gettin' girls.

Beast Boy: (Laughs) Nice one dude!

Cyborg angrily mumbles to himself as the rest of the Titans continue to talk.

Terra: No, wait. I meant, what kind of powers does he have, and... just some brief info on him.

Robin: ...Why do you all of a sudden want to know this?

Terra: Well I just... want to know what I'm dealing with here. (Giggles Nervously)

Beast Boy: Ok, well...

Raven: He has a lot of powers.

More than you could ever imagine.

Robin: As of now, we know he has Energy and Magic Manipulation and Transformation, Flight, Super-Strength, Super-Speed, Super-Agility, Masters Level at Martial Arts, Severe Attention to Detail, The Ability to fire energy beams from his eyes and hands, Earth Bending, Mind Manipulation and Super Intelligence.

Starfire: Oh, and let us not forget the amazing voice used for the vocal rhythms!

Robin: Yeah... and that.

Terra looks up and Robin and Starfire, wide-eyed.

Terra: Wow, that is a lot.

Cyborg: Yep, it sure is.

Robin: And if you want some info on him, he is also my second-in-command, and can single-handedly take on villains more powerful and anything you could ever think of.

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