Chapter 30: Close Trust

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Outside Titans Tower - 12:45 AM

Terra is sitting by the rocks of Titans Island, knees up near her chest, using her powers to skip rocks across the water.
A familiar male voice startles her.

Y/N: Couldn't sleep?

Terra flips herself around at the speed of light, to find Y/N standing 15 feet behind her.

Terra: Uh, yeah... something like that.

Terra gracefully pivots back around to face the ocean, reflecting off the moonlight. Y/N approaches her and sits down next to her on the rocks.

Y/N: Now, listen...

Terra rotates her head to glance at Y/N, who is staring off into the night sky.

Y/N: I've got, a lot of explaining to do, but I'll just narrow it down to (Turns to face Terra) I'm sorry.

Terra continues to look at him, as he motions his gaze back towards the night sky horizon.

Y/N: You probably think I'm some sort of freak who doesn't give a damn about his friends, but let me just say... I love anybody that steps into my perimeter... and that includes you.

Y/N smiles at Terra, meaning it sincerely. Terra smiles back, before saying;

Terra: I forgive you. I... always thought I was the one doing something wrong.

Y/N: Oh no, no, no. This one was all me. I'm the one being a douche over here. I'm all to blame.

Terra: Are you sure?

Y/N: Positive. If you were doing something I didn't like, you'd be hearing about it.

Terra giggles. The two superheroes revert their vision back to the ocean. Terra uses her powers to skip another rock, making Y/N chuckle.

Y/N: So, this what you do in your free time, huh?

Terra: Well, it is one of the things.

Y/N stands up to his feet and picks up a rock from beneath him. He cocks his arms and chucks it forward, causing the rock to complete 10 full skips across the water.

Terra: Wow...

Y/N: I know, I've been practising.

Terra: Hold on, let me try and skip 5 rocks this time. Let's see you compete with that.

Terra stands up and prepares to use her powers of Earthbending to try and accomplish her mission of skipping 5 rocks. Her powers begin to activate, but they move something that she did not intend to move.

Y/N jumps as the ground beneath him raises. Terra, unfortunately, does not notice this until he is thoroughly up in the air.

Terra: Oh my gosh! I- I'm so sorry!

Y/N: Hey, listen. It's okay. Just concentrate and lower the rock down.

Terra replies with a shaky voice.

Terra: Ok.

The blonde girl closes her eyes and raises her hands above her head, surrounded by a yellow aura.

Y/N: That's it. Just concentrate.

The piece of land, along with Y/N, begin to gracefully drift down toward the ground.

Y/N: See, it's okay.

Terra: Are you okay?

Y/N: Don't worry, I'm fine. Are you okay?

Terra takes in a deep inhale before saying,

Terra: Look, I can't control my powers. And sometimes I tend to spiral out of control.

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