Chapter 33: From Your Heart

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Kitten drags Y/N up the stairs to the main prom area, where most of the couples are relaxing and having a good time, unlike the superheroes and the spoilt girl.

Cyborg, Beast Boy and Raven are steadily trailing behind the two, with Raven ahead of the boys. The cybernetic teen leans down to the changeling, who is staring at something ahead of him.

Cyborg: Yo, Beastie, what are you lookin' at?

Beast Boy: Oh, what? Just... the scenery.

Cyborg chuckles to himself, considering it was pretty obvious that his green friend was staring at the violet haired empath.

Cyborg: And how is the scenery?

Beast Boy: It's good- alright, fine! I may have been looking at... Raven.

Cyborg: That's what I wanted to hear. It's fine B, you don't need to be ashamed about that.

Beast Boy: I'm not ashamed about it, just... embarrassed. If I even dared to confess the way I felt, she would banish me to another dimension. Besides, I'm pretty sure she likes Y/N.

Cyborg: Oh come on, grass stain. You probably don't know this, but Starfire liked Y/N as well, but that didn't stop her from getting together with Robin. The same could happen with you and Raven.

Beast Boy: Yeah, well, if you haven't noticed, Raven is nothing like Starfire. There's no chance in convincing her to turn off Y/N.

Cyborg: Who said anything about turning her off Y/N? All we gotta do is get her to turn towards you.

Beast Boy: Again, there's no chance.

Beast Boy walks off toward one of the round tables near the dance floor not raising his head from the door.

Cyborg: (Quietly) We'll find a way.

Jump to Robin and Starfire

Robin and Starfire are still over on Jump City Bridge, repelling as many mutant moths as possible.

Robin: I hate bugs!

Starfire: On my planet, horrible bugs are frequently seen throughout the area, but this is far from the accustom!

Starfire zooms up to one of the bridge supporters, where 3 mutant moths are nibbling away at the rubber wrapped around the wire. She zaps them out of the way with her green starbolts and welds the rubber back into one piece.

Unfortunately, more of them head towards Starfire, this time, double the amount of before.

Starfire: Boyfriend Robin, there is more of them in my location!

Robin: Hang on Star, I'm coming!

The Boy Wonder takes a leap of faith onto the bridge supporter, equipping his lead staff in his right hand. He leaps down onto the one closest to the sea and slides down through the grippy-ness of the rubber.
On his way to the bottom, he whacks off 4 mutant moths out of his path. He jumps over the bridge supporter parallel to the one he rests on, repeating the same process as before.

Both Titans quickly jump their way down to the road, perceiving their surroundings.

Starfire: Have all of them been defeated?

Robin: It looks like it. I think we should join the others- Huh?

Robin and Starfire both gape up into the sky, noticing an army of hundreds of Killer Moth's mutant insects.

Starfire: It appears more of them have come to fight.

Robin brings out his communicator, once again dialling Y/N's ID number. Y/N's annoyed and tired face appears on the screen.

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